Monday, June 10, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart Church On Mount Dibidadpo, Barcelona, Spain

The Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located on the summit of Mount Tibidabo in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Sacred Heart Day 10

Lord Said: “My Heart has turned to wax, is melting inside me.”

  Ps 22;14 My strength is trickling away, my bones are all disjointed, my heart has turned to wax, melting inside me. 

  The psalmist prophesies and explains Jesus' sufferings during his passion. The heart of Jesus has melted like wax within him. If we reflect on his Sacred Heart, we will realize that his heart is melting for us. The Lord has taken all our suffering to preserve us from the fires of hell. How Jesus bore the Cross is an incredible act of suffering. Jesus carried a cross that was three times heavier than his body. Jesus carried it for a half-mile across Jerusalem's streets. We can't understand the grief and suffering he is endured along the Way of the Cross. In the midst of all these sorrows, he was pouring his kindness on all of humanity from his broken heart. Jesus' heart overflowed with pity and grace when he was crucified and died on the Cross. 

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Sacred Heart of Jesus

  Sacred Heart, Day 28 Lord, You know my heart, and know my concerns    Ps 39: 3-4 My heart had been smouldering within me, but at the thoug...