Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 29

“Most Scared Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of myself, since that the only way one can find entrance into You!” St Claude La Colombreie

Lord, let our hearts’ only aim is to fear you, and love You

Ps 86: 11-12 Teach me, Yahweh, your ways, that I may not stray from your loyalty; let my heart’s one aim be to fear your name. 12 I thank you with all my heart, Lord my God, I will glorify your name for ever. Lord, let me not stray from Your loyalty. I keep will my life always loyal to You. My only ambition is listen Your gracious Words Day and night. I will never forget to praise You, glorify You among all the people on earth. If we listen his voice His Word, He will never forsake us. He always looks into our heart whether we are close to Him.

Ps 45: 1 My heart is stirred by a noble theme, I address my poem to the king, my tongue the pen of an expert scribe. When we begin to love God and reflect on His loving and merciful heart, our hearts will flow with many topics for praising Him, and we will praise Him with beautiful hymns, lifting our hearts and souls to Him.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Sacred Heart of Jesus


Sacred Heart, Day 28

Lord, You know my heart, and know my concerns

   Ps 39: 3-4 My heart had been smouldering within me, but at the thought of this it flared up and the words came bursting out, 4 ‘Yahweh, let me know my fate, how much longer I have to live. Show me just how frail I am.

  Lord, my heart was aching with rage and rose up, but thinking of You helped me to control it. But now my heart was pounding with sweet memories of You. I have begun to talk about excellent things that come from my heart, as You instructed me.  Then my thoughts haunted me, reminding me that my time on Earth is limited. Lord, I beg you to reveal to me how long I shall live on Earth, and I know it will be in fractions of seconds or minutes.

Ps 37: 14-15 Though the wicked draw his sword and bend his bow to slaughter the honest and bring down the poor and the needy, 15 his sword will pierce his own heart, and his bow will be shattered.

  The wicked will always use his bow to slay God's honest and faithful followers. If the wicked keep destroying the poor and needy. The sword of God will consume them and break the hearts of the wicked. Lord, you know my heart and my concerns. Lord, how long will I dwell in the clay hut with my flesh from this world? Lord, my heart aches for You to come near, and my soul longs for Your eternal presence. Amen!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 27

We, Christians, are the true Israel which springs from Christ, for we are carved out of His Heart, as from a Rock! — St. Justin Martyr

Lord, our hope is in you, we trust in you, we love you with all our hearts and soul. Amen!

   Ps 34: 18 Yahweh is near to the broken-hearted, he helps those whose spirit is crushed. Let us not lose hope in Christ Jesus, even though our hearts are broken. Lord Jesus is always there to aid us, and he will pull us up when our spirits are grieving, and we lose faith in God. Our hearts were broken during the coronavirus pandemic. Millions faced death as a result of this dreadful illness, and many of their loved ones perished. But we must maintain our hope and confidence in His forgiving Heart. We should return to the Lord, getting strength from Him. Ps 36: 10 Maintain your faithful love to those who acknowledge you, and your saving justice to the honest of heart. The Lord is asking us to be true to his love for us. He is the One who acknowledges us, and we should direct our hearts towards his heart.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus


Sacred Heart Of Jesus Cathedral Aka Polish Church, Tashkent

The Church is commonly known as the ‘Polish 

Church,’ is a Roman Catholic church in the center of Tashkent, just 

opposite Eco Park.According to the church, Christians have been 

present in the territory of modern-day Uzbekistan since the 3rd century 

due to the exchange of goods and ideas along the Silk Road.

Sacred Heart, Day 26

 ‘If Jewish High priest carried the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on his shoulders and on his breast, how much more Christ, our High Priest, carries our names written on His Heart.’ St John of Avila

Ps 27:8 Of you my heart has said, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Yahweh, I seek; 9 do not turn away from me. We should beg our Lord to reveal his face, and he will. This thirst should originate from the heart by linking it with His merciful Heart. St Therese of the Child Jesus has a specific devotion to the face of Jesus, our Lord. That is why she is also called St Therese of God’s Holy Face. Many years ago, Br. Joemon gave me Is. 53 to study and think on during the Lenten season. When I read this, it moved me deeply, and the image of Jesus' bleeding face flooded my heart. Later, while reading a piece from St. Therese of Lisieux's Prayers (chapters 11 and 12), I discovered that she was deeply moved by this particular chapter of Isaiah 53. ‘They were the foundation of all her piety’. In her own words “I too, have desired to be without beauty, alone in treading the wine press, unknown to everyone” (Prayers of St Therese of Child Jesus) yes indeed! How desirably St Therese of Child Jesus seeks Jesus’s love. 

  It was a coincidence for me. I was extremely moved by her devotion for Jesus Christ and her attitude toward His Holy Face, which was so thoughtful. ‘They were the foundation of all her piety’. In her own words “I too, have desired to be without beauty, alone in treading the wine press, unknown to everyone” (Prayers of St Therese of Child Jesus) yes indeed! How desirably St Therese of Child Jesus seeks Jesus’s love.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 25

Mary treasured the Word of God in her heart

Luke 2:19 (NJB): As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:51 (NJB): His mother stored up all these things in her heart. She constantly followed God's will and never despised His plan. She showed tremendous reverence to God the Almighty. She never misses an opportunity to honour or glorify Him.


Ps 119: 10-11 With all my heart I seek you, do not let me stray from your commandments. 11 In my heart I treasure your promises, to avoid sinning against you. God does not want us to deviate from His commandments or His love. Psalmist is praying and acknowledging that he keeping the Word of God in his heart to avoid sin against God our Lord. Our hearts should be like those of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and Mother Mary, who cherished the Word of God in her heart. Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, God's only Son, and the Word became flesh through her.



Monday, June 24, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 24

‘I desire to do everything in intimate union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.’

Pope St John XXIII

   Ps 32:2 How blessed are those to whom Yahweh imputes no guilt, whose spirit harbors no deceit. How fortunate we are if God discovers no guilt in our hearts. He wants that our hearts would be like His own. The evil inclinations and characteristics are contrary to the nature of God's Spirit. Those who have a blameless heart will win favor in God's presence. The Holy Spirit will reveal the Kingdom of God to us, as well as the identity of Jesus.


Lord, we are piercing Your Heart with our misdeeds and all the evils of this world. Lord, please forgive our sins and purify our hearts!


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 22

"It is altogether impossible to enumerate the heavenly gifts which devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has poured out on the souls of the faithful"…

 Pope Pius XII

   Ps 28: 7 Yahweh is my strength and my shield, in him my heart trusts. I have been helped; my body has recovered its vigour; with all my heart I thank him. Jesus is encouraging us to trust in him and keep our hearts fixed on his Sacred Heart. When we get benefits from the Lord, remember to thank him for his kind Heart, which provides us with the vitality and strength that the Psalmist has experienced. Every day, we should read and pray through several Psalms to draw closer to God. Our Lord is the shield that protects us from the evil one's flaming arrows. Be submit to Him and become closer to His Merciful Heart.


Lord, my only desire is to be closer to your Sacred Heart, from which flows the Living Water.


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...