Poem 25
Jesus made everything new by shedding His own blood and established the New Covenant. The law given to Moses is renewed and given perfection to it. Jesus said: “This cup is the New Covenant in my blood poured out for you.”Lk. 22: 20. He abolished the old structure of law and made it new by giving his love and mercy. He poured his grace upon all humanity.
Lord, Your Cross has brought the fruit of life
The fruit which is the symbol of Everlasting Life
Lord, for us its a way to salvation
And also is the power of God.
Lord, we wants to follow You whole heartedly
Lord, let me renounce myself
To take up my cross everyday and follow You
Lord, this is the way of Cross we meets eternity
Lord, let me embrace the narrow way
The way to destruction is very wide
Lord, let me not choose the way of this world
But, those who suffer will find eternal life
Lord, from the Cross You brought the salvation
But for the foolish men, the message of Cross is folly
Lord, You shed all the blood of Your Body
Lord, You were nailed on Cross by the soldiers
Lord, You suffered for us with great love
And made an example to follow Your steps
Lord, You were done nothing wrong
You were not spoken any kind of deceit
Lord, You were insulted
But, not retaliated with insults
When suffered, You made no threats
You trusted the upright Judge in Heaven
Lord, You were bearing our sins
In Your own Body on the Cross
So we might die to our sins
Through Your bruises, You have been healed us
Lord, You wiped away the record of our debt
You were destroyed it by nailing it to the Cross
Your pain and sorrow was our malicious sins
But You crushed everything on the Cross
Lord, You stripped the sovereignties
And principalities of the heavenly places
They are the masters of this world
And all the ruling forces of this world
All these evil were tempting You
You gathered all of them to be paraded in public
They all were behind You on the way to Calvary
On that triumphal procession
Lord, let me boast only Your Cross
Through You the crucified I found salvation,
You poured out the Blood and Water
And filled us with Your Love and compassion.
Lord, let me boast only Your Cross
Through You the crucified I found salvation,
You poured out the Blood and Water
And filled us with Your Love and compassion.