Sunday, January 1, 2017

Thanksgiving & Blessing to my God- Poem 35

Thanksgiving for God's Blessings

What a great blessing God has given me
When I was a child in my mothers womb,
God has given me food from the body of my mother
When I was born He has given the food from her breast

Lord, you called me, since You formed me in my mothers womb
From the remotest part of the world, you called me
Who am I, to receive this great call
Lord, am not worthy to be in your presence

Lord, You visit me everyday in the form of a host
You are nourishing me by Your Body and Blood
Through that You made the everlasting covenant
The Eucharist, You revealed me in your special way

Lord, You blessed me by giving the blessing to know You
You, called me from midst of the people not knowing You
But, who am I to stand in front of You
Lord, I am afraid of Your Mighty presence

Lord, you never forsake me in the day or night
You were carrying me in You arms
Lord, You taught me how to walk
You taught me how to speak

You never allowed the enemy win over me
You kept me away from the evil path
You gave the speed of a deer in the wild
Day and night You protected me from death

I was wandering in the desert to make a living
Lord, You gave me the the strength and he consoled me
I was getting up early in the morning to make money
But my God, You blessed me by giving the dawn to visit Your Temple

I cried for help for my weakness in my flesh
I cried for for my sins, by lamenting day and night
Lord, am a sinner have mercy on me
You forgave me my sins and embrace me in your love

Lord, You strengthened me and blessed me
You gave me your grace to know You more and more
I faced death many times in my life
But You never punished me for my sins

Lord, death followed me many times in my life
But, You sent Angels to carry me in their arms
How can I forget Your mercy on me
You are the only One, the God of Israel

Year after year You were looking after me
More than anyone either, my mother, my father or my wife
Now I am old and my hair became grey
But Lord, let my heart never deviate from Your love

Lord, how can I count your blessings on me
If I count those, it is more than the hair on my head
You are the only One God, in whom I trust
Lord, keep my faith alive till end of my days and in eternity

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...