Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Daily Word of God

Daily Word on 17th Oct 2023

Jesus said, ‘My food is to do the will of the One who sent me.’

Lord is asking us to repent and believe in the Gospel. Many of us put the ashes on Ash Wednesday or on Monday in Eastern Catholic Churches on our forehead to remind us we are sinners. Genesis 3:19 (NJB): ‘For dust you are and to dust you shall return.’ Lord is asking us to repent and come back to Him, that is what He wants from us. 

John 4:33–34 (NJB): So the disciples said to one another, ‘Has someone brought him food?’ 34 But Jesus said: My food is to do the will of the one who sent me, and to complete his work. 

Jesus was with the Samaritan woman and Jesus was jealous of her soul and to lead her to salvation. But the desciples were worried about the material food which they were gone to bring from the town. Jesus was having something precious in his mind to save a sinner. He says that is what his food, which is the plan of Heavenly Father has entrusted to Jesus His only Son. That is why Jesus saying, my food is to do the will of the Father in Heaven!

Lord, we are unworthy servants. Make us the servants of your heavenly garden. 

The Light and Darkness


Lord, let Your grace will empower us come to closer to You and live in Your grace 

  From many of the trials tribulations I was realised that there is only one way to Jesus is the love of God. This is the important thing, which is lacking in the spiritual persons, which we are looking for. It is difficult to find a genuine spiritual person leading a holy life in true wisdom and knowledge in Christ Jesus. But by the grace and mercy of God, I was gone only through the Catholic spiritual centres. I did not know anything about Mother Mary in my early life. (The first thing I heard about Mother Mary was from a non-Catholic friend. He was the one who took me to Marthomite Church to attend the Sunday Masses in the 70’s and 80’s while I was working in Muscat. One day he shared some spiritual things to me and showed me a picture of Mother Mary (The Perpetual Succour) from his Bible. He was telling, he usually asking her intercession on so many things and God granted all his prayer requests. While he was telling this he was crying. I was wondering how a Marthomite Christian could have the faith in Mother Mary. I was thinking why he was crying and he didn’t tell me the reason. This was my first inspiration for seeking the truth in the Catholic Church and Mother Mary.  Then I started thinking about Mother Mary and her intercession. After so many years I understood that my friend was cried because of his love towards Mother Mary.) But I was pondering these things in my heart since gone through this encounter with Mother Mary. Still I was not happy with that knowledge. There was no true faith in my life at that time. But there was something  always haunting me whenever I do sins. 

   Then I was going through my worldly way of life. But I never gave up my hope in Him. I was praying hard to Jesus to reveal me the real path. After our marriage I was attended so many retreats I got some healing for my soul. Then I was thinking; am not worthy to receive Jesus in my heart. One day my wife to attend a retreat which will enhance my spiritual thirst. But at last I told Jesus I will go a retreat which my wife told me attend. I went and attend this retreat as this retreat will be having very poor facility. I was impressed by it because very few will come to this retreat. My thirst for Jesus was quenched and I met Jesus and Mother Mary in a night exactly one month after at my home. 

  We should discover and acknowledge we are unworthy servant of Lord, this will lead us into his light that is aura of grace. Only grace will empower us come out of darkness. When Elijah was told God, he is the only one remaining in Lord, but God told him there will be a remnant group of people will be there to follow our Lord and God. How God differentiate them only through the grace. Romans 11:4–6 (NJB): And what was the prophetic answer given? I have spared for myself seven thousand men that have not bent the knee to Baal. 5 In the same way, then, in our own time, there is a remnant, set aside by grace. 6 And since it is by grace, it cannot now be by good actions, or grace would not be grace at all! Lord always kept a seperate chosen people for the glory of God 

The Word of Life

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