Friday, September 23, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 3 

Lord, have mercy on us, we are sinners

First of all we have to pray for the Spirit of Prayer to be unite with God. Lord says: ‘I shall pour out a spirit of grace and prayer, and they will look to me. They will mourn for the one whom they have pierced as though for an only child, and weep for him as people weep for a first born child.’ Zach. 12: 10. 

God the Father has promised this gift of the grace of prayer to all of us. We will mourn for our sins, He says about His only Son Jesus Christ will be crucified for our salvation. When we meditate on the death of Jesus, we will realize he is the First born of our Father in Heaven also for all of us. When we pray in front of the crucifix, we get the repentance and Jesus will bless us with the tears and the love of God

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 2

Lord, Teach us to Pray 

  The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray: He said to them, 'When you pray, this is what to say: Father, may your name be held holy, your kingdom come; 3 give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, 4 for we ourselves forgive each one who is in debt to us. And do not put us to the test.’ LK 11: 2-4. Jesus teaches us how to pray, and gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us to pray. We have to start our prayer life with a small act of constant prayer. 

When we get up from bed, we should remember our God and lift our hands and hearts to Heaven. Then, with a grateful heart we should say, one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be. This is what Br. Joemon taught me to grow in prayer during the first years of my Community life. It was difficult at first for me to get that constancy in prayer, to say this simple and short prayer without forgetting the intentions. It has taken months for me to get that grace to pray.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Daily Prayer

 Prayer is an act of a soul seeks to unite with God. Those who love God will pray unceasingly. The soul listen the voice of her Master in silently or without any word from her mouth but only wish of her to be united with Him at all the time. ‘At dawn and with all his heart he turns to the Lord his Creator; he pleads in the presence of the Most High, he opens his mouth in prayer and makes entreaty for his sins. If such are be the will of the great Lord, he will be filled with the spirit of intelligence, he will shower forth words of wisdom and in prayer give thanks to the Lord.’ Sir.39: 5-6. 

Jesus also prayed alone in the mountian, he spent whole night in porayer to God, then how much we have to pray. Luke 6:12 (NJB): Now it happened in those days that he went onto the mountain to pray; and he spent the whole night in prayer to God. After the prayer he chose the twelve apostles among his disciples. Jesus is teaching us how fervently we have to pray to God. We have to pray until our prayers are answered by Him.  

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...