Thursday, October 13, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 8, ‘Lord Jesus, Son of God, am a sinner, have mercy on me!’

  Our Lord is inviting each one of us to be with Him and to trust in Him. He will cover us with his warming love. But he is asking one condition that is to make us humble like him. ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are over burdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’ Mat. 11: 28-30. How our worries and troubles will be lighter? When we make ourselves gentle and humble like Jesus is!! ‘Lord Jesus! Son of God, am a sinner have mercy on me.’ Matt. 16: 16, Matt. 20: 31. This is a universal prayer or an anti-phone to recite repeatedly as a prayer. So many saints of past from Eastern countries used this prayer in their daily life. This prayer which made a great impact on them in their spiritual life.  It was made them humble themselves and they experience tremendous repentance.

  “Prayer is a go-between linking us to God. It gives joy to the soul and calms its emotions. I warn you, though: do not imagine that prayer is simply words. Prayer is the desire for God, an indescribable devotion, not given by man but brought about by God’s grace. As St Paul says: For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself intercedes on our behalf in a way that could never be put into words.” From A Homily of St John Chrysostum 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Daily Prayer

 Day 7, The sacrifice of Eucharist is our Eternal Food

  The most valuable and precious act of prayer is the Holy Mass. In this prayer of sacrifice which Jesus himself made for us the greatest of all mysteries, which is the body and blood of our Lord. The sacrifice of Eucharist is our eternal food. The Eucharist itself is the Word of God which became flesh. Attending and participating in the Holy Mass is an eternal gift God promised through His New Covenant. God’s love proclaims the secrets of this mystery which is essential in our religious life. His humility and gentleness made this ultimate gift possible for us to make our body and soul capable to stay in His Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus says about this: ‘Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and will raise that person up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and blood is real drink.’ Jon. 6: 54-55. Jesus himself is waiting for each one of us in the Holy Eucharist; to pray along with him to pay the homage to our Heavenly Father. We can experience the love of Jesus; when we pray daily in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It is very important for the growth in our spiritual life. Those who do the Holy Hour will be strengthened in the Holy Spirit. They will be filled with the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord. 

How David adored the Ark of the Covenant which is symbolizing the Eucharist. ‘He praise God and dance in front of the Ark of The Lord, very reverently, the bearers of the ark of Yahweh had gone six paces, he sacrificed and ox and a fat sheep. And David danced whirling round before Yahweh with all his might...... Thus with war cry and blast on the horn, David and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of Yahweh.’ 2 Sam. 6:13-14. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Daily Prayer

 Day 6. Lord, teach us how to pray in silence 

  During the Sunday Holy Mass on 2nd October a Priest from Switzerland, in his homily he told about the prayer in silence. He said ‘Silence is a beautiful virtue to be alone with our  Lord Jesus. This is the way of contemplation we all should experience. We are having beautiful and a great Cathedral in Abu Dhabi to pray in silence. Lord will visit us in our silence. I remember the word of St Mother Therese of Calcutta. She says: the fruit of silence is the prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is Love, and fruit of Love is peace, and the fruit of peace is service. When we do any service for the Lord and his people, you all should start from the bottom. Let us try to have that silence which will make us able to hear the voice of our Lord. If we fail the silence, will fail in all other virtues; the prayer, faith, love and peace of Christ, we will fail to do the service the mission for the Lord. If we find time to pray 30 minutes in front of the Blessed Sacrament we will see the difference in our spiritual life. Jesus also was doing the prayer alone in the silence before any mission he carried out. We could see many political turmoil in many countries.  We can see the wars between countries for unimportant reasons. Pray for others whom are in sufferings, those in persecutions and in many other difficulties. Today is my 8th year anniversary of my priest hood. My spiritual father told me to spend 30 minutes personnel prayer in front of Blessed Sacrament. Since I became priest I never fail to do this act of prayer in silence till today. I invite you all to pray this way in your daily life, you will bless by God!” We should find the silence in our daily spiritual life to spend alone with Christ. 

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...