Saturday, July 2, 2022

Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Day 2


The chastisements of God are not yet at an end; still more sorrowful times are ahead; and divine justice will be placated by the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.” (St. Gaspar del Bufalo)

Deuteronomy 12:27 (NJB): The burnt offerings of meat and blood must be presented on the altar of Yahweh your God; whereas, in your sacrifices, the blood must be poured on the altar of Yahweh your God; the meat you yourselves may eat. In the Old Testament the priests sacrifices the animals for the sins of the peoples and of the priests, The priests do the sacrifices of animals as thanksgiving also. Then how much precious the sacrifice of Jesus Son of God will be. He shed his own Precious Blood for the remission of our sins. This was the second baptism he has done by himself by shedding His Precious Blood as a libation. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Day 1


July is the month of the Precious Blood of Jesus 

Most Precious Blood of Jesus: Price of our salvation,  refreshment of souls, precious dew poured out from the Wounds of Christ to soothe the torment of our weakness, to strengthen & heal us, our hope & solace, pledge of eternal life.

Matthew 26:28 (NJB): 28 for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus established the Everlasting Covenant by shedding his own blood. On the Passover Day, during the sharing of meal on the table with the apostles he was enacting the mystery Eucharist before his death on Calvary. Without shedding blood there is no remission of sins. That was the purpose of Heavenly Father to give His only Son to sacrifice on the Cross in Calvary. We Catholics are so blessed by the salvation God has planned for us since the beginning of this world. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Sacred Heart, Day 30


“When we appeal to the throne of grace we do so through Mary, honoring God by honoring His Mother, imitating Him by exalting her, touching the most responsive chord in the sacred heart of Christ with the sweet name of Mary.”

Saint Robert Bellarmine S.J. Doctor of the Church

Pr 4: 4-6 This was what he used to teach me, ‘Let your heart treasure what I have to say, keep my principles and you will live; 5 acquire wisdom, acquire understanding, never forget her, never deviate from my words. 6 Do not desert her, she will keep you safe; love her, she will watch over you. In these verses Lord is speaking to us, treasure the Word of God in our heart and live according to that, then we will live. Our Lord will live in our heart and then he will control thoughts and deeds. Never neglect the wisdom of God and never deviate from the instructions of the Holy Spirit. There is one thing and it's a mystery, if we work hard for the wisdom with our Mother Mary, she will help us in prayers. We should not leave her, love her and she will keep us safe and she will watch over us day and night. This is what Jesus asking us to do.

Lord, teach us how to love you. We are away from your Sacred Heart. Lord, let your Mother help us in our prayers and petitions and guard our souls from all kind of evil intentions. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sacred Heart, Day 29

“Most Scared Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of myself, since that the only way one can find entrance into You!” St Claude La Colombiere 

Ps 86: 11-12 Teach me, Yahweh, your ways, that I may not stray from your loyalty; let my heart’s one aim be to fear your name. 12 I thank you with all my heart, Lord my God, I will glorify your name for ever, Lord, let me not stray from Your loyalty. I keep will my life always loyal to You. My only ambition is to listen Your gracious Words day and night. I will never forget to praise You, glorify You among all the people on earth. If we listen His voice, His Word, He will never forsake us. He always looks into our heart, whether we are close to Him. 

Let us pray that, Lord, let our hearts’ only aim is to fear you, and we thank you and we will glorify your name forever. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Sacred Heart, Day 28

Lord, You know my heart, and know my concern 

   Ps 39: 3-4 My heart had been smoldering within me, but at the thought of this it flared up and the words came bursting out, 4 ‘Yahweh, let me know my fate, how much longer I have to live. Show me just how frail I am. 

Lord, my heart was aching with anger and flared up, but thought of You made me to control it. Now my heart was throbbing with beautiful thoughts. I have started to speak of good things, which came from my heart which You taught me.  Then my thoughts were haunting me as my days on earth is mere moments. Lord, I cry to you, reveal me how long I will live on earth, and I knew it will be like the fraction of seconds or minutes. 

Lord, You know my heart, and know my concern. How long I live in the clay hut with my flesh of this world. Lord, my heart is throbbing for You and my soul is yearning for Your eternity. Amen!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Sacred Heart, Day 27

Lord, we Trust in You 

   Ps 34: 18 Yahweh is near to the broken-hearted, he helps those whose spirit is crushed. Let us not loose our hope in Christ Jesus, even our hearts are shattered. Lord Jesus is always there to help us were and he will lift us up, when our spirit is in grievances and loose our trust in God. Our hearts broken in the pandemic era of corona virus. Millions faced death in this tragic situation of sickness, many of their loved one’s lives were lost. But we should not loose our hope and trust in His merciful Heart. We should come back to the Lord, by gaining the strength from Him. 

Lord, our hope in you, we trust in you, we love you with all our hearts and soul. Amen!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sacred Heart, Day 26


 ‘If Jewish High priest carried the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on his shoulders and on his breast, how much more Christ, our High Priest, carries our names written on His Heart.’ St John of Avila

Ps 33: 14-15 from the place where he sits he watches all who dwell on the earth; 15 he alone mold their hearts, he understands all they do. Our Lord always looks from Heaven and check how we are living, whether we have faith in Him, worship Him and honor Him. He  looks into our hearts from the Heaven, who have created our hearts. He examine it and see what is our intentions and actions  towards God. Lord is the only One moulding our hearts to do His will and He is the only one can understand what we are doing.

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...