Thursday, December 12, 2024

Word of God Reflection I Part V

A Study and Reflection on Sirach Chapter 39 : 1-11

Word of God Reflection Sirach 39: 6 & 7, On 12th Dec. 2024

Fear of the Lord is the principle, to obtain wisdom from God

  Let us meditate the Verses of Sirach 6 & 7, If such be the will of the great Lord, he will be filled with the spirit of intelligence, he will shower forth words of wisdom, and in prayer give thanks to the Lord. 7 He will grow upright in purpose and learning, he will ponder the Lord’s hidden mysteries. Lord will give the Spirit of intelligence for such person who is seeking the Lord. If God is merciful to him he will be blessed with the wisdom of God. Wis 8: 7-8Or if it be uprightness you love, why, virtues are the fruit of her labours, since it is she who teaches temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude; nothing in life is more useful for human beings. 8 Or if you are eager for wide experience, she knows the past, she forecasts the future; she knows how to turn maxims, and solve riddles; she has foreknowledge of signs and wonders, and of the unfolding of the ages and the times. He will devote himself to studying the Holy Scriptures day and night in order to discover God's knowledge. He will be taught the qualities that are most beneficial to humans—temperance, prudence, justice, and fortitude—by his extensive experience with wisdom. He will discover our Lord's hidden mysteries here in the Holy Scriptures.. Pr 9: 9-10 Be open with the wise, he grows wiser still, teach the upright, he will gain yet more. 10 The first principle of wisdom is the fear of Yahweh, What God’s holy ones know—this is understanding. Men who are filled with the Spirit of God will be more wise because they will be surrounded by wise people. He is going to preach and educate others about the Kingdom of God. The wisdom of God will be revealed in anything he says. He would never stop praying and thanking God with praises and hymns. A fear of the Lord is the first step toward wisdom. God's holy people will be able to conduct a humble life because they will grasp how wisdom approaches them. Being humble before the Lord is a magnificent way for a soul to obtain eternal life. 

The Word of Life

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