Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Shepherds Song Poem 32

The Angel of the Lord appeared to Shepherds
The humblest shepherds in the fields 
Of the little town of Bethlehem 
Who proclaimed the birth Jesus Son of God

They were terrified by the sight of God's angel 
Amazed by the sight and words of the angel
'Do not be afraid, share the news of great joy,
In the town of David a savior has been born to you, he is Christ the Lord'

Lord, you have seen the pure hearts of the shepherds 
You gave them the privilege to know Jesus was born
A great blessing for those who are humble in heart 
To witness the salvation and plan of God 

The angel of God sang Gloria to the Most High
The heavenly hosts came along and praised God 
'Glory to God in the highest heaven
And on earth peace for those he favors'

Lord, you brought salvation to all humanity 
By giving your own Son, Jesus Christ 
The humble Mary of Nazareth chosen to be Mother of God 
The glory and praise to you my God!

Shepherds were filled with joy in their hearts
They left the the field with all their herds 
They took honey, milk, food and warm clothes for the holy family
And rushed towards the place where the Child Jesus was born

They found Jesus in swaddling clothes
Found the Child Jesus lying in a manger
They adored Jesus and praised God for the wonderful gift
They served the holy family with a joyful heart

The Word became flesh and came into the world
To reveal Himself to all humanity
He became visible like one among us
And brought salvation to all souls 

Lord, you chose shepherds, the poor and destitute 
To serve you wholeheartedly 
To them you poured your abundant grace, 
The wisdom and knowledge of God 

The shepherds proclaimed the good news to the holy family and to the whole village. 
Of the marvelous things the angel had told them. 
The savior is born, Christ the Lord.
Heavenly hosts surrounded by angels glorified God

As for Mary, she treasured what the shepherds said and 
Pondered them in her heart!
The shepherds glorified God, glory to God in the highest heaven
And on earth peace for those he favors! 

Community of Grace 

The Word of Life

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