Sunday, December 29, 2024

Family is Heart of the Church


Happy Feast of Holy Family 

Family is Heart of the Church 

Lord, even you were born in a manger 

Lord, you lived in the Holy Family, the fulfillment of the Heavenly Father 

Till the time was fulfilled to preach the Kingdom of God

to everyone the present, past and the future

Lord Jesus, You gave an example of family life

As you obeyed your parents, 

To teach the whole human race how to obey parents,

The first steps of the ladder to obey the Living God  

Lord, we all brought up through the families 

You brought us into the world to practice the true faith in You

Lord Jesus, you were born in the Holy Family’

Which was the plan of the Heavenly Father to David and other Prophets 

Lord, family is a place for a child to nourish his or her faith from their home.

The parents are the teachers to teach them the faith and love of God 

Oh Father, you created a great family, the Holy Family 

To bring Your child, Your own Son into the world

Jesus was called a carpenter’s son 

It may be disgrace by humanly way 

But God allowed His Son to be humble and to bear all humiliations

Even he is the King of kings and Lord of the lords

Lord, we are praying for our many families

Some are broken by troubling circumstances of this world 

Lord, the children are suffering by the broken families 

The single parents are suffering, by their untimely separation

You only can bring them hope by uniting them 

Lord, give them your humble and gentle heart 

To forgive and forget each other and heal the wounds from their heart 

Pope St Paul VI said; “Next, there is a lesson on family life. May Nazareth teach us what family life is, its communion of love, its austere and simple beauty, and its sacred and inviolable character. Let us learn from Nazareth that the formation received at home is gentle and irreplaceable. Let us learn the prime importance of the role of the family in the social order.”

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...