Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 10


The clean of hands and pure of heart will dwell on the mountain of God 

Ps 24: 3-4 Who will go up to the mountain of Yahweh? Who will take a stand in his holy place?  The clean of hands and pure of heart, whose heart is not set on vanities, who does not swear an oath to deceive. Lord is asking us a condition to dwell in holy mountain.  Here Lord is giving us the blessings to go up to the mountain of Lord. He is asking us to come and live with Him. But there is one condition is that we should make our heart clean and without sin by our heart or by our body. Once we decide to go up to the mountain of the Lord, should not have any pleasures of this world, which will make us to deceive an oath we made with God. Our heart should be holy and pure to approach our Living God. Do not forget the pledge we made with God. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 9

“My Heart has turned to wax, is melting inside me.”

Ps 22;14 My strength is trickling away, my bones are all disjointed, my heart has turned to wax, melting inside me. 

Psalmist here prophesying and explains about the sufferings of Jesus during his passion. The Heart of Jesus has melted like wax inside him. If we meditate on his Sacred Heart we will understand that his heart is melting for us. Lord, you took all these suffering for us to save us from the fire of hell. How he carried the Cross is an amazing act of suffering. The Cross which Jesus carried was three times heavier than his body. Jesus carried it throughout the streets of Jerusalem, about half a mile of distance. We cannot imagine the pain and suffering he has gone through  this way of the Cross. In the midst of all these sufferings he was pouring his mercy on whole humanity, which will be going to happen immediately through his sacrifice on the Cross in Calvary. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 8


Circumcise our hearts and renounce our sins 

   Jer 4:4 Circumcise yourselves for Yahweh, apply circumcision to your hearts, men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, or my wrath will leap out like a fire and burn with no one to quench it, in return for the wickedness of your deeds.” . Lord is asking us to circumcise our hearts, which is full all kind of malices and sins. If we are not repenting about our sins, God will bring wrath on us and will destroy us. Lord is every much concerned about our wickedness and our dirty deeds. Our heart should broken into deep, that means prepare our heart to receive our Lord into our heart. There is one thing is important, Sirach 17:24 -26 (NJB): But to those who repent he permits return, and he encourages those who have lost hope. Return to the Lord and renounce your sins, plead before his face, stop offending him. 26 Come back to the Most High, turn away from iniquity and hold all that is foul in abhorrence. Lord is asking us to renounce our sins and come back to him. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 7

Lord, you are gentle and humble of heart 

Mt 11:28-30 28 ‘Come to me, all you who labour are overburdened and I will give you rest. 29 Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’ 

Here Lord is saying to imitate his gentle and humble heart. Lord is asking us to approach him, when we overburdened by our difficulties, by our sins, or even in sufferings and persecutions. Jesus says it will be easy for us to carry the yoke, the cross which is different for each one of us. When I first time met Bro, Br Joemon gave me this word of God, Mat 11:28-30. He has given this Word after discussions of something hurt my heart. After many months in meditation and pondering this Word of God, Lord has removed the burdens from my heart, the burdens of sins, the years I spent in gulf without any material or spiritual gains. God has changed my heart to accept whoever done anything wrong against me. My attitude to others has changed, the grumbling and murmuring against others has stopped. Lord will remove all our weaknesses, our lack of faith, our mistrust in Him.

Lord, change our heart according to your will, and make our heart like yours. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 6


Sacred Heart Day 6

The Holy Trinity will come to us and make home in us 

John 14:23 (NJB): Jesus replied:  Anyone who loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make a home in him.

Jesus tells with a promise to all of us, a Trinitarian blessing from above. He says, if we love him we will keep Word. How we have to keep the Word of God in our heart, with a humble and contrite heart. How can we invite Jesus to our heart, love Jesus by meditating his Word day and night. Psalm 119:148 (NJB): My eyes are awake before each watch of the night, to ponder your promise. Psalmist here says, he even awake in the watches of the night to ponder God’s Words and His promises. His promise is that he will love us, and when he loves us the Heavenly Father also will love us and the Holy Trinity will came and abide in our heart. 

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...