Thursday, December 19, 2024

Word of God Reflection I Part VI

A Study and Reflection on Sirach Chapter 39 : 1-11

Word of God Reflection Sirach 39: 8-11, On 19th Dec. 2024

Lord, You made the New Everlasting Covenant with us for our eternal salvation 

  Let us meditate the verses of Sirach 39: 8-11 He will display the instruction he has received, taking his pride in the Law of the Lord’s covenant. 9 Many will praise his intelligence and it will never be forgotten. His memory will not disappear, generation after generation his name will live. 10 Nations will proclaim his wisdom, the assembly will celebrate his praises. *  11 If he lives long, his name will be more glorious than a thousand others, and if he dies, that will satisfy him just as well. 

  He will meditate on the instruction he has received from the Lord and will give to others freely. He will take his pride in the Law of the Lord’s and in His covenants of the Old and the New Everlasting Covenant which Jesus has established by sacrificing his own life.  Ps 119: 72 The Law you have uttered is more precious to me  than all the wealth in the world.  The law of the Lord will be precious for those trust in Him. God will reveal His covenant to those who fear Him. Ps 25: 14 Only those who fear Yahweh  have his secret and his covenant, for their understanding. When someone learns about the covenants of the past, they will comprehend the mystery of the Eternal Everlasting Covenant, which Jesus made as part of the Heavenly Father's plan, in which God Himself became a sacrifice. Although God established covenants with Abraham, Noah, Moses, and the Ten Commandments, He was not pleased with each of these Covenants. Through Jeremiah, the Lord informed us of the New Covenant He intends to establish with the House of Israel., Jer 31: 31-34, “……………….but not like the covenant I made with their ancestors the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt, a covenant which they broke, even though I was their Master, Yahweh declares. No, this is the covenant I shall make with the House of Israel when those days have come, Yahweh declares. Within them I shall plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then I shall be their God and they will be my people.……….” When someone praises the Almighty God and obey His commandments, his wisdom will increase and his words will be gracious for the listeners. In their descendants  they find a rich inheritance, their posterity. 12 Their descendants stand by the commandments and, thanks to them, so do their children’s children. 13 Their offspring will last for ever, their glory will not fade. 14 Their bodies have been buried in peace, and their name lives on for all generations. 15 The peoples will proclaim their wisdom, the assembly will celebrate their praises. *Such individuals are evidently present in the nation's highest office. No matter where they travel or who they visit, they will be appreciated. Such person will control the nations and have a name more glorious than a thousand others, if he is wise and knowledgeable about many subjects. He will be satisfied even if he passes away because he has completed the tasks the Lord has given him. 

The Word of Life

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