Tuesday, December 13, 2011

St. Lucy God’s lovely Princess…Poem 04

Poem- 04

Oh, St. Lucy God’s lovely Princess
A real sacrifice of fragrant rose
An untouched flower of God’s own garden
A pure soul of fervent zeal in our Lord

How lovely your eyes to see
Which have ever seen the glory of God?
A tremendous light in the darkness
The light of Jesus was enlightened in you

How gracious was your words ever be
This healed the sick and the downtrodden
You stood like rock in front of your enemies
As St Stephan withstand in the tribulation

Oh, young Princess of God’s Kingdom
Pray for us for the zeal of Jesus
You calm your enemies by the Word of God
Like stream of living water flowing from a spring

Oh, gentle and humble,
Helper of the poor and downtrodden
Pray for us to be steadfast in our faith
Pray for us to love Jesus above all we own


Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Famine Poem 35

Lord, do not send famine to the world

But you send your Word to the whole world

The fields are barren; no more crops

There is no food enough; to survive humanity

     The birds of the air are crying

     The creatures of the land and seas are wailing in tears

     The animals and calves are crying for food

     They are crying to Lord; unceasingly

How cruel we are Lord; keep barren our land

You gave us the best land; to cultivate

To produce fruit and grains to feed your creations

But we gave You ; thorns instead

       Oh; Lord our Creator, Almighty God

       How You made everything for our benefit

       But, You said that various crops are not our real food

       The Word from your mouth are nourishing us

Lord, You told Amos send the famine to world

But, not of hunger from the corn or wine

Not of the hunger of the food or water,

Instead, Lord will send famine for hearing His Word


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...