Thursday, November 3, 2022

Daily Prayer


Day 17, Lord, wash away my hidden faults, from pride persevere Your servant

  Two things are very important to lead a prayer life that is, zeal and constancy. Always be joyful whatever comes in our life and persevere in hardship. ‘In the service of the Lord, work not half-heartedly but with consciousness and an eager spirit. Be joyful in hope, persevere in hardship; keep praying regularly.’ Rom. 12: 11-12. If we can cry bitterly with tears for our sins through humility and we are blessed by God with that gift of prayer which He will entrust to us as He gave to all His saints. We should pray like this: Lord, ‘Wash away my hidden faults. And from pride persevere your servant, never let it be my master. So shall I be above reproach, free from grave sin. May the words of my mouth always find favour, And the whispering of my heart, In your presence, Yahweh, My rock, my redeemer’ Ps. 19: 12-14. The pride should not be our master when we lead a spiritual life. A clear conscience should be there to understand our weakness and failures. ‘I have conversed this present day with all good conscience before God until this present day.’ Acts. 23:1 This will make us to be humble in front of God and men.  A pure soul never use so many words in front our Lord instead she will cry or lament for her sins.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Daily Prayer

Midnight Prayer

 Day 16, Lord, let me awake in the watch of the night to praise You!

 We should have the zeal to do the prayer in the midnight. Br. Victor gave advice to Bros., to do the holy hour in the midnight. Praying in the midnight is a great virtue, by constant prayer we will be blessed with this grace to pray. But not to be dishearten from this. Jesus understands this and we have to keep our thirst to do such kind of sacrificial prayer. First of all we should try to wake up in the middle of the night between 1 and 2’o clock. Psalmist says about this mystery: ‘My eyes are awake before each watch of the night, to ponder your promise.’ Ps. 119: 148. While getting up praise God with one or two Psalms with a great devotion with love towards our Lord. Continue it for few days, then our Lord will increase our faith and zeal towards Him. According to our Constancy in prayer, God will increase the timing of our prayer by His tremendous grace. This is the best time to meditate the Word of God and ponder into our heart. We have to train ourselves to that kind of heart and will; to serve the Lord with a great zeal. Psalmist again says: Psalm 102:1–2 (NJB): 1” Yahweh, hear my prayer, let my cry for help reach you. 2 Do not turn away your face from me  when I am in trouble; bend down and listen to me, when I call, be quick to answer me!” Our Lord will listen our prayer and He is very quick to answer our prayers


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...