Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Word of God

Word of God, On 15th  August, 2024

It is not by our effort, but by the grace, God is working in us 

Rm 11: 2-6 NJB God never abandoned his own people to whom, ages ago, he had given recognition. Do you not remember what scripture says about Elijah and how he made a complaint to God against Israel: Lord, they have put your prophets to the sword, torn down your altars. I am the only one left, and now they want to kill me? And what was the prophetic answer given? I have spared for myself seven thousand men that have not bent the knee to Baal. In the same way, then, in our own time, there is a remnant, set aside by grace. And since it is by grace, it cannot now be by good actions, or grace would not be grace at all! 

God would never desert His people to whom He has given recognition. We may wonder why all of this is happening to us, and why God is not assisting us in overcoming our suffering and persecution. God is using all of our suffering to shape, purify, and strengthen us. God desires to demonstrate His power in our infirmities, as well as His power and greatness amid all of the principalities and ruling powers in order to contradict their fallacies and exaggerated pride . 

We should never believe that we are righteous and holy people; there are many among us who are more sanctified and holy. If we are spared by God, it means that we did not do anything on our own, but through God's grace. Grace is the final action that God is performing for His chosen people, and they will not bow down to any pagan gods, but only to God! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Word of God


Word of God, On 10th  August, 2024

The Word is near to us, let us embrace it 

Rm 10: 8-10 What does it say, then? The word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith, the faith which we preach, that if you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and if you believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved. It is by believing with the heart that you are justified, and by making the declaration with your lips that you are saved.

The Lord has given us His Word, the Word of God, which is Jesus Himself, who has been with God since the beginning. How beautifully St John wrote the first word about Jesus. Jn 1: 1-3 In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except through him. Everything on Earth came into being through Jesus, and nothing exists without him. This is our faith: He was born in flesh by the Virgin Mary. He is God Incarnate, a true God and a true man, having assumed both Divine and Human natures. This is what we must say with our mouth: Jesus is the Son of God. He died for our sins; he was sinless but carried all of our sins on his shoulders to bring us salvation. We have to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This truth must be communicated to the multitude with our hearts and mouths, and only then will we be redeemed for all eternity. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Word of God

Word of God, On 10th  August, 2024

Lord, make us Your faithful servants of Your Kingdom. 

  Rm 9:17–24 NJB Scripture says to Pharaoh: I raised you up for this reason, to display my power in you and to have my name talked of throughout the world. In other words, if God wants to show mercy on someone, he does so, and if he wants to harden someone’s heart, he does so. Then you will ask me, ‘How then can he ever blame anyone, since no one can oppose his will?’ But you—who do you think you, a human being, are, to answer back to God? Something that was made, can it say to its maker: why did you make me this shape? A potter surely has the right over his clay to make out of the same lump either a pot for special use or one for ordinary use. But suppose that God, although all the time he wanted to reveal his retribution and demonstrate his power, has with great patience gone on putting up with those who are the instruments of his retribution and designed to be destroyed; so that he may make known the glorious riches ready for the people who are the instruments of his faithful love and were long ago prepared justified. 

  God raises certain people to be wealthy, famous, and hard-hearted; He makes them kings and princes. God wants to demonstrate His power over people, to humiliate them if they defy Him. This manner, they will grasp how tremendous God's splendor is over all of the powers of this world. This is how He demonstrates His splendor over all the nations. If he wishes to harden someone's heart, he may do so, as He did with Pharaoh. In comparison to God, we are nothing. If He wishes to offer mercy to someone, He does so. Nobody can dispute His will, and we cannot respond to God.God is like a potter who creates pots of many varieties and for various purposes; some are for unique uses, while others are for regular reasons. God always has the patience to perform the things, but He will expose His wrath and strength via demonstration. When we are chosen as God's tools, He will utilize us for His purposes, grant us authority over the authorities of this world, and demonstrate to the world the power of His destructions. Blessed are God's faithful servants, whom He has chosen to undertake the job for His Kingdom.   

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...