Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Word of God Reflection I Part II


A Study and Reflection on Sirach Chapter 39 : 1-11

Word of God Reflection Sirach 39: 2 & 3 verses, On 27th Nov 2024

Lord, help us to understand the hidden mysteries in the Holy Scriptures

   Let us meditate on the verses of Sirach 39: 2-3(NJB)He preserves the discourses of famous men, he is at home with the niceties of parables. He researches into the hidden sense of proverbs, he ponders the obscurities of parables. The one who lead a spiritual life will search of the great people lived in the past and present to spread the love of God. We have to be obedient to our spiritual fathers and teachers as St Paul explains to us Gl 4: 19(NJB)My children, I am going through the pain of giving birth to you all over again, until Christ is formed in you. They are the one , Lord  given and entrusted  us to make us grow spiritually in His grace and holiness. They are accountable in front of God for our souls as St Paul explains to us here, Hb 13: 17 Obey your leaders and give way to them; they watch over your souls because they must give an account of them; make this a joy for them to do, and not a grief—you yourselves would be the losers

   If we go through the parables of Jesus, those are having immense knowledge and wisdom. In the Gospel Mathew in Chapter 13 Jesus has given many parables to understand the mystery of the Kingdom of God. The first parable is : The parable of the sower, Mathew 13: 3-8 and Mathew 13: 18-23, when the sower went out to sow, he sowed in different places where there’s rocks, thorns, and edge of the path and good soil. Those fell on the good soil got good yield in hundred, sixty and thirty fold. Jesus explains here how our hearts should be to receive the Word and to produce fruit. The second is : The parable of the darnel,(Mt 13: 24-30,NJB) ….”the man sowed the good seed in the soil, ….. enemy sowed the darnel” and wheat and darnel was appeared together and when the harvest time  came the farmer advised the laborers remove the darnel first and tied it up and burn it. The one who received the Word of God will understand the meaning. God looks into the hearts of us, whether we produce the fruit as He sowed the Word of God in our heart. The one will take it seriously and nourish it with good virtues and meditate it day and night. The third is the parable of the mustard seed, Matthew 13: 31-32 NJB “The kingdom of God is like mustard seed……… When the mustard seed sprout and become plant and tree and birds of the air shelter on it. The mustard seed, which is so little, symbolizes how we ought to become insignificant and lowly before both God and the people. The Lord will grant us the ability to carry out our earthly and heavenly purposes, once we have humbled ourselves. We shall be able to partake in God's Kingdom by His own way. This grace, which is God's gift, which will enable us to  do God’s will in our life. The fourth is: The parable of the treasure and of the pearl. Mathew 13: 44-46NJB “The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in he field” If we find the hidden treasures in the Bible, in the Scriptures we will grab it and embrace it into our heart, because the Word is Jesus himself. Jesus will reveal to us many hidden gems which will be always new and truth. 

  As Sirach says is about the sensible people always looks to find the best in the Kingdom of God.  Jesus explained about many parables unless one love God cannot value the goodness in human beings. As St Paul describes about the spiritual person can asses the human value and value of everything. 1 Cr 2: 15 NJB The spiritual person, on the other hand, can assess the value of everything, and that person’s value cannot be assessed by anybody else. He will ponder the parables of Jesus as well as his teachings which he always explain to his beloved disciples directly. Day and night he will ponder the teachings of Jesus. He will also meditate on the prophecies of the prophets from the Old Testament, and will reflect on the teachings of Jesus’s apostles and evangelists. Continues …………….

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