Thursday, April 11, 2013

House of My Lord Poem 14

Poem- 14

Lord my heart burning with zeal
For the House of my Lord
In silence, let me tell my weakness to you
In silence let me confess my sins to you

Lord, let Your Temple fill with Your Glory
Lord, let me make your Altar with all richness of the world
Let our prayers, like incense reach in your presence
Make your house a holy and adorable place

But who can live in Your Holy Temple
Only who lives blamelessly and uprightly
Who can speak the truth from his heart?
Those keep the tongue under control 

My sins are like scarlet and red as crimson
Lord Jesus, Son of God, I am a sinner have mercy on me
Lord, let me not be discouraged, by my sins in serving you
But Lord cleanse me by your precious blood

I am not worthy to serve you by my unclean heart,
But cleanse my thoughts and feelings
Lord, send me your Spirit, to guide me and teach me
Let my path, always seek truth and justice in your eyes

Lord, mould me to lead a holy life
But Lord, let me make Your Word my home
Lord, make me; your disciple and
Set me free by keeping your Holy Word


Monday, April 8, 2013

Holy Tears Poem 13

Poem - 13

Oh, holy tears of Apostles, martyrs and saints
Oh, cleanse me from all my uncleanness
Oh holy tears, a blessing for those who wanting God
Oh holy tears, a blessing from Lord who seek Him earnestly

Lord, you shed tears for my sins in Gethsemane
My spiritual father told me, shed tears everyday
And you will keep the steadfast faith in our Lord 
I cried day and night for my sins and He kept me safe

Lord, you taught me; sow in tears and sing as you reap. 
I went off, went off weeping, carrying the seed, 
I came back, came back, singing, 
Bringing  in my sheaves and returned home.

Lord I lift my eyes towards you,
Just as the eyes of a slave on his master's hand,
Or like the eyes of a slave girl, on the hand of her mistress,
So my eyes are on my Lord and my God, have mercy on me.


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...