Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Merciful Eyes Poem 28

Merciful Eyes

Lord, we all lost the sense of sin,
The evil trying to deceive each one of us
He is tempting even the chosen ones
We do not know what to do next

Devil is conquering our entire safe haven, your Churches
Which you prepared for your sons and daughters
We neglect the holy structure of the Churches
Instead we make Concrete structures without Dome or Alter

We neglect everything pleasing to you
We forget what our Early Fathers taught us
We all refused to do what is sacred and precious
Lord, I come to you, and pleading to you, forgive us our sins

Lord, I am zealous of your love
My heart is burning by Your love and mercy
Lord, few are concerned about Your love
Lord, few are concerned to keep Your commandments

Lord, you called many, but few are chosen
You called me from the ends of the earth
A place where no one knows about You
Lord, but Your mercy and grace fall upon me

God, why have You finally rejected us
Your anger blazing against the flock You used to pasture
How long, how long will you be silent on our enemies?
They are shouting at us by their arrogant words

Remember the people you took to yourself long ago
Your own tribe which you redeemed on Mount Zion,
Where You came to live with us
Lord, come look into this endless ruin, enemy done to us

The enemy has sacked everything in the sanctuary
They dispersed us from Your Temple
While we pray in front of Your Holy Sanctuary
They set fire to Your Sanctuary

The enemy has many plans to destroy us
But, You have a plan for each one of us
That is our salvation; hear on earth and in Heaven
Many are called and few are chosen

Lord, You looked at many from the Cross,
To see, anyone is seeking Him
You looked into the eyes of the Centurion
He said, surely, You are the Son of God

Lord, You looked into the eyes of Peter,
He is sobered and cried bitterly of his sins
Lord, You looked into the eyes of the blind man
He was cured, his eyes are open and praised God

Lord, You looked into eyes of Mary Magdalene,
She was repented, cried and kissed
And washed Your feet by her warm tears
Lord, look into my eyes, wash me and cleanse me

Lord, come and abide in us
Lord, let us prepare a place for you
You only need our repented heart
Look into our eyes with your merciful eyes


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...