Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Light and Darkness



We all will be taught by our Heavenly Father 

The truth is a treasure is hidden in Jesus Christ. The more we seek it, the more we find it. Only through the grace of God we can find the truth, know the truth and experience the truth. The more you closer to Jesus to seek the truth, you will be rewarded abundantly from His Kingdom. The ultimate truth is the Word of God. The word of God has a tremendous power. ‘Consecrate them in the truth; your word is truth’ Jon 17: 17. It is the Truth that leads us to eternal life. Jesus tells us: ‘I am the way; I am the Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’ (Jon 14: 6)  With out Jesus the Truth we cannot approach the Father. When the real Truth comes into our heart the real light will come into our spiritual life and the darkness will fade away. 

  This was the truth I was looking for, and I discovered it when I looked for it. First and foremost, I was eager to discover the reality of the faith. There were numerous denominations in my ancestral family and among my friends. My parents were constantly misled by various forms of spirituality and teachers, and they were frequent visitors to my home. However, I never liked or paid attention to them. This was always on my mind: which is the true church and faith? Or my mind was wondering who the true deity is in this world; everyone believes that their deity is the true God. Then I married a Catholic girl, which was also part of God's plan. That is something I am extremely grateful to God. 

Then, in 1991, both of us decided to attend a retreat at Divine Retreat Centre. The first withdrawal had no effect on me. The following year, we attended the second retreat, and as a result, I quit smoking and drinking totally. I visited numerous spiritual centers and retreat centers to discover how to approach God. God has helped me to learn so many spiritual topics and many ways to approach Jesus. According to the Bible, we all will be taught by God .  John 6:45 (NJB): It is written in the prophets: They will all be taught by God; everyone who has listened to the Father, and learnt from him, comes to me. In the same way when we listen to the Father in Heaven by obeying His Commandments will meet our Lord in His appropriate time to lead a holy and perfect life..            

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Daily Word of God


Daily Word On 11th Oct 2023

Worship the Heavenly Father in Spirit and truth

John 4:23–24 (NJB): But the hour is coming—indeed is already here—when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth: that is the kind of worshipper the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and those w ho worship must worship in spirit and truth.

The hour has come as Jesus says how to worship God the Father. God loves to worship Him Spirit and Truth. Jesus says they are the the true worshippers to worship God with true devotion along with Holy Spirit and reading Word of God, the Truth, who is Jesus Christ our Lord! Practice the prayer along with reading and meditating the Word of God. Read the Bible everyday and constantly. Constancy in spiritual excercices is very important in our spiritual life. 

Let us pray to our Lord to make us humble and gentle to worship Him in a worthy manner! 

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...