Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seek the Face of Yahweh our God Poem 20

Poem. 20

I seek the Face of Yahweh my God
Look at me Lord, with Your merciful eyes
Lord, bless thee, glorify thee, and adore thee,
In the day, in the night, and my entire life

I trust in You, my Lord, my God
I love You with all my heart,
Lord, I give You thanks, for Your mercy on me
Fill my heart with joy and tears of Your love

Lord, I am an unworthy servant of Your garden
Lord, let me produce the good fruits of Your eternity
As You said from the beginning of my creation
In the beginning before I conceived in my mother’s womb

Lord, You do not forget Israel, Your chosen race
Do not forget Jacob your beloved
Let Your Face shine on us and save us
Yes, Lord we shall be saved; when Your glory comes


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...