Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jesus asked Peter, Do you love me? Poem 24

Poem  No 24

Jesus asked Peter, do you love me?
He is asking me and you, 'Do you love Me?'
With a grievous heart, Peter replied:
Yes Lord; You know that I love You

Peter denied Jesus three times
Jesus asked Peter three times, do you love Me?'
love always forgets, because God is Love.
Peter cried bitterly, when he realised His love

Lord, the love You have towards us
Makes us strong to defend our faith in You.
Your love towards me, taught me many things.
How can I thank You for Your love poured upon me?

Lord, Your love makes me cry before You.
The love towards You,
Made Abraham prepare a table for You
Yahweh, You were pleased by his hospitality.

You blessed Abraham with a son, Isaac.
But You tested him, for his love towards You.
He proved his love, and obeyed God's Word
And took his son Isaac to offer God, as a burnt offering.

Lord, the love towards You,
Made David a great composer of Psalms.
He never ceased to praise You and Honour You
He sang songs and danced in front of Your Ark of the Covenant

Elijah zealously loved You,
His love towards you, made him a great prophet
Lord, You gave Elijah a disciple called Elisha
obedient of both his master and God.

Because of Elijah's jealous love
Lord, you brought famine on Israel.
By the Word of The Lord, he shut up the heavens
He even raised the dead by the Word of the Most High

Lord, Your love towards Elisha
Made him learn the ways of God,
Lord you gave him the spirit of Elijah
When Elijah was taken to heaven in the Chariots of fire.

Lord, Your most beautiful love towards us is shown
When You gave Your only Son's life for us as a sacrifice.
It is hard to find anyone prepared to die for someone upright.
So it is a proof of God's own love for us, that Christ died for us sinners.

Lord, out of Your love towards us,
You gave us Your own flesh as our Eternal food
Your gave us Your own Blood as our Eternal Drink
By shedding Your Blood, your Heavenly Father made the Everlasting Covenant.

St Paul prayed, 'What I pray kneeling before the Father,
From whom every fatherhood, in heaven or on earth takes it's name
Lord, through Your Spirit, enable us to grow in power in our innermost-self
And let Christ, live in our hearts through faith.

Lord, let Your love planted in our heart and built on love grow
And let all God's holy people have the strength to grasp
The breadth and length, the height and the depth
So, that we may know the love of Christ is beyond our knowledge
That we may be filled with the utter fulness of God.
Glory be to Him whose power working in us can do more than our imagination
Glory be to Him, from generation to generation
In the Church and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen


The Word of Life

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