Friday, January 5, 2024

The Word of God


Daily Word On 4th Jan  2023

I am the Bread of life

John 6:35–36(NJB): 35 Jesus answered them: I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst. 36 But, as I have told you, you can see me and still you do not believe. 

Jesus claims to be the Bread of Life. How Jesus became our bread of life? He gave up his life and allowed his body to be sacrificed on the Cross. He demonstrated how God can be an oblation to make it permanent nourishment, so preventing us from hungering for anything, and his blood became to quench our thirst eternally. Jesus is promising that as we consume the Eucharist, we shall live in him and he will live in us. John 6:54–56 (NJB): Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in that person. But there is one condition, he argues, that while we eat his Body and Blood, our confidence in his living presence in the Eucharist is important. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

The Light and Darkness



Jesus the crucified is our real Light in the darkness of this world. 

  The Cross is the real Light which was Jesus chose to sacrifice himself to save the world from darkness. Here St John Chrysotum says that the Cross is the light against evil. The Cross did all these wonderful things for us: the Cross is a war memorial erected against the demons, a sword against sin, the sword with which Christ slew the serpent. The Cross is the Father’s will, the glory of the Only-begotten, the Spirit’s exultation, the beauty of the angels, the guardian of the Church. Paul glories in the Cross; it is the rampart of the saints, it is the light of the whole world.’ St John Chrysostum

The above reflection of St John Chrysotum is very appropriate as St Paul wrote in 1Corinthians 2:2 (RSVCE): For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

   We should test ourselves whether Jesus is in us or not. It is mystery hidden for generations that Jesus Christ is always in us. It is secret: The message which was a mystery hidden for generations and centuries and has now had been revealed to his holy people. It was God’s purpose to reveal to them how rich is the glory of this mystery among the gentiles; it is Christ among you, your hope of glory.’(Colo.1: 26-27) Only Jesus can reveal this mystery through His Holy Spirit. If Christ is not in us we should repent for our sins and come back to God. Br. Brillis very often give this particular Word of God  in his talks; (2 Cor. 13: 5-6)‘We would have to test ourselves; ‘Put yourselves to the test to make sure you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Do you not recognise yourselves a people in whom Jesus Christ present? –Unless, that is you fail the test. But we, as I hope you will come to recognise, do not fail the test.’ Our Lord’s presence is the most important thing in our spiritual life. Why we fail in the test, because of our sins and way of life in the darkness. God is asking us to purify ourselves:your hands are covered in blood, wash, and make yourselves clean. Take your wrong doings out of my sight. Cease doing evil. Learn to do good, search for justice, discipline the violent, be just to the orphan, and plead for the widow. Come, let us talk this over,’ says Yahweh. Through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing to obey, you shall eat the good things of the earth. But if you refuse and rebel, the sword shall eat you instead—for Yahweh’s mouth has spoken.’(Is. 1: 15-20) If we don’t repent and confess our sins, we should not sustain in Jesus. We should approach the confessional and would confess our sins. How God is mercy towards us by giving this Sacrament of Confession for our reconciliation with God. Psalm 106:38 (NJB): 38 Innocent blood they shed, the blood of their sons and daughters; offering them to the idols of Canaan, they polluted the country with blood. The blood of the innocent will always cry in front of our Lord. We should be always thank God for the gift of children in our life. Neglecting the life of an unborn and abortion is displeasing God and disobeying His commandments and it is a grave sin. it is consider that, we are doing the sacrifice to idols, the Devil. 

Let us seek forgiveness from our Lord for disregarding His Commandments. Make a new decision to repent for our sins and make regular confessions so that we can have a tranquil our spiritual life and the Lord can lead us to eternal life. 

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...