Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus


Sacred Heart Of Jesus Cathedral Aka Polish Church, Tashkent

The Church is commonly known as the ‘Polish 

Church,’ is a Roman Catholic church in the center of Tashkent, just 

opposite Eco Park.According to the church, Christians have been 

present in the territory of modern-day Uzbekistan since the 3rd century 

due to the exchange of goods and ideas along the Silk Road.

Sacred Heart, Day 26

 ‘If Jewish High priest carried the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on his shoulders and on his breast, how much more Christ, our High Priest, carries our names written on His Heart.’ St John of Avila

Ps 27:8 Of you my heart has said, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Yahweh, I seek; 9 do not turn away from me. We should beg our Lord to reveal his face, and he will. This thirst should originate from the heart by linking it with His merciful Heart. St Therese of the Child Jesus has a specific devotion to the face of Jesus, our Lord. That is why she is also called St Therese of God’s Holy Face. Many years ago, Br. Joemon gave me Is. 53 to study and think on during the Lenten season. When I read this, it moved me deeply, and the image of Jesus' bleeding face flooded my heart. Later, while reading a piece from St. Therese of Lisieux's Prayers (chapters 11 and 12), I discovered that she was deeply moved by this particular chapter of Isaiah 53. ‘They were the foundation of all her piety’. In her own words “I too, have desired to be without beauty, alone in treading the wine press, unknown to everyone” (Prayers of St Therese of Child Jesus) yes indeed! How desirably St Therese of Child Jesus seeks Jesus’s love. 

  It was a coincidence for me. I was extremely moved by her devotion for Jesus Christ and her attitude toward His Holy Face, which was so thoughtful. ‘They were the foundation of all her piety’. In her own words “I too, have desired to be without beauty, alone in treading the wine press, unknown to everyone” (Prayers of St Therese of Child Jesus) yes indeed! How desirably St Therese of Child Jesus seeks Jesus’s love.

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