Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 22

"It is altogether impossible to enumerate the heavenly gifts which devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has poured out on the souls of the faithful"…

 Pope Pius XII

   Ps 28: 7 Yahweh is my strength and my shield, in him my heart trusts. I have been helped; my body has recovered its vigour; with all my heart I thank him. Jesus is encouraging us to trust in him and keep our hearts fixed on his Sacred Heart. When we get benefits from the Lord, remember to thank him for his kind Heart, which provides us with the vitality and strength that the Psalmist has experienced. Every day, we should read and pray through several Psalms to draw closer to God. Our Lord is the shield that protects us from the evil one's flaming arrows. Be submit to Him and become closer to His Merciful Heart.


Lord, my only desire is to be closer to your Sacred Heart, from which flows the Living Water.


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