Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Precious Blood of Jesus

St Bridget of Sweden meditating on the wounds of Jesus covered from the head to foot. She prayed fervently and invoke the Precious Blood of Jesus and ask Jesus to inscribe all the wounds upon her heart. 

Precious Blood of Jesus, Part XVII

The blood of Jesus, the Sacrificial Victim makes the expiation of sins

Exodus 30:10 (NJB): Once a year, Aaron will perform the rite of expiation on the horns of the altar; once a year, on the Day of Expiation, with the blood of the sacrifice for sin, he will make expiation for himself, for all your generations to come. It is especially holy for Yahweh.’ In ancient Israel, priests sacrificed animals on the altar for the remission of Israelites' sins. The priest himself performs the remission of sins by sin offering. All of these sacrifices represent the single sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's only Son. Jesus had heard God the Father's voice confirming the fulfillment of His wish to make Jesus the eternal sacrifice for sin. It was fulfillment of the prophesy of Isiah. In Isaiah 6:8 (NJB): I then heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I, send me.’ Jesus tells his Father, ‘Here I am send me to fulfill Your mission’ 

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