Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Jesus Son of God

Part XIV 

When we love God, we will keep His commandments

When we love God, we will keep His commandments and give us the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth, Jon. 14: 15-16. The Holy Spirit will guide us to the truth. He wants us to be his children by giving an example of Jesus Christ. ‘He decided beforehand who the ones were destined to mould to the pattern of his Son, so that he should be the eldest of many brothers.' Rm. 8: 29. God decided and planned everything from the beginning about who would be His children. Who can judge Him and His power? he is the only source of everything good? Everything is moulded in His love and mercy and without love, emptiness comes and the devil can enter easily into our minds and hearts. He chose us in Jesus, His Son before the world was made, ‘Thus He chose us in Christ before the world was made to be holy and faultless before Him in love, marking us out for himself before hand, to adopted sons through Jesus Christ.' Eph.1:3-4.

  As the Eunuch was reading the Scriptures from the book of Isaiah, chapter Fifty Three, he did not understand the meaning of the Scriptures and God's Spirit guided Apostle Philip to meet the Eunuch who was travelling in a chariot. ‘Do you understand what you are reading? He replied, ‘How could I, unless someone to guide me?'Acts 8.30-31. We need somebody to guide us in our spiritual life. A spiritual father must guide us to the truth. He was explaining the passage written about Jesus to Eunuch: ‘Addressed Philip and said, ‘Tell me, is the prophet referring to himself or someone else?' (Acts. 8:32-35) When Philip explained the gospel of Jesus to the Eunuch and about salvation, his doubt vanished and he believed in Jesus and took baptism from Philip. Luke 10:22 (NJB) : Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him’

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