Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Precious Blood of Jesus, Day 13

Jesus has entered the sanctuary once and for all, taking with him, his own blood, 

Hebrews 9:11–14 (NJB): “But now Christ has come, as the high priest of all the blessings which were to come. He has passed through the greater, the more perfect tent, not made by human hands, that is, not of this created order; 12 and he has entered the sanctuary once and for all, taking with him not the blood of goats and bull calves, but his own blood, having won an eternal redemption. 13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkled on those who have incurred defilement, may restore their bodily purity. 14 How much more will the blood of Christ, who offered himself, blameless as he was, to God through the eternal Spirit, purify our conscience from dead actions so that we can worship the living God”. Our Lord and High Priest, Jesus Christ, came to create everything new. He destroyed the old system of animal sacrifice and instead established the New Covenant by offering Himself as sacrifice by shedding His own blood. With his own blood, Jesus entered the sanctuary once and for all, winning eternal redemption for all humanity. Animal sacrifices solely serve to cleanse the human body of uncleanness. By shedding His own blood, Jesus Christ became the one and only sacrifice. Our Lord is a living God, not a dead God, but an eternal living God. He transformed our timid dead actions into living deeds to worship the living God. He came by the eternal Spirit to cleanse our conscience of the dead. Jesus made Himself available in the sanctuary in Blessed Sacrament for all eternity. We can worship the living God in this way.

Lord, teach us to serve you in eternity. Lord, let our offering always with humble and contrite heart. 

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