Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Precious Blood of Jesus, Day 12


Be confident and believe in the Blood of Jesus 

Hebrews 10:19–20 (NJB): ‘We have then, brothers, complete confidence through the blood of Jesus in entering the sanctuary, 20 by a new way which he has opened for us, a living opening through the curtain, that is to say, his flesh.’ How we enter into the sanctuary, the holy place is a mystery. We normal people are not allowed enter into His sanctuary but by the Holy Spirit, through praying in the Divine Liturgy by the priests and the holy people of God. In the last century the churches were using curtains to separate the Alter and the sanctuary. The curtain represents the flesh or Body of Jesus, through which he gave us the freedom to express our faith. Jesus has opened us a new way to approach him and live in his presence. His His presence he revealed to us by giving his Body and Blood to us. Where there is the Body of Christ is present in the Most Holy Sacrament of Alter and we can approach him fearlessly at any time. Now we have the courage to enter into his Kingdom as he opened the door by his own sacrifice of shedding his own Blood. 

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