Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Oh Come God’s Holy People Poem 16


Come O’ come God’s holy people
Let us praise His Holy Name
Let us go to His Holy Temple,
In Bethlehem where our Saviour was born

          All saints and angels are gathered here,
          To visit our Mighty King in a manger
          Let us praise our Father in Heaven
          For His wonderful gift to all nations

Lord let us enter into that door of humility
To achieve the goal of entering your presence
Lord, your angels and saints are waiting for us
To guide us to climb your Holy Mountain

Lord; give us the holy tears
By fill our hearts with repentance
Lord; the tears are your blessing
To make your holy men humble and meek


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

God's Holy Face

Part III

Lord, do not hide your face away from me, Lord my saviour. I am trembling with the fear of You. Lord, I am blessed with a wonderful companion, Your Mother and mine as well. My earthly life will be fade away at any time, like the breath stay for a moment ‘For I am your servant, son of your serving maid, a feeble man with little time to live, with small understanding of justice and the laws’. (Wis. 9: 5)

Lord, You turn Your Face to the upright and never abandoned him in the wilderness. Lord, look at me and pour Your Mercy on me a sinner. For Yahweh is upright and loves uprightness, the honest will ever see his face.’ (Ps. 11: 7)

Lord, when I am in the way of holiness and with the love of you I could see you in wonderful visions of Your mysteries ‘But I am my uprightness will see your face, and when I awake I shall be filled with the vision of you. (Ps. 17:15)

Lord, you always heard my prayer and answered me. ‘For he has not despised nor disregarded the poverty of the poor, has not turned away his face, but has listened to the cry for help’ (Ps. 22: 24)

My saviour and my Lord do not reject me from your kingdom, and do not forsake me.
‘Yahweh hear my voice as I cry, pity me answer me! Of you my heart has said, ‘seek his face!’ Your face, Yahweh, I seek; do not turn away from me. Do not thrust aside your servant in anger, without you I am helpless. Never leave me; never forsake me, God my saviour.’(Ps. 27: 8-9)

Lord, fix your eyes on me and make me shine in your presence. ‘Let your face shine on your servant, save me in your faithful love’ (Ps. 31: 16)

Lord, you said to David you never take away your eyes from him, Lord, instruct me and teach me your statues to stay in your presence. ‘I shall instruct you and teach you the way to go; I shall not take my eyes off you’ (Ps. 32: 8)

Yahweh’s eyes are always on the upright one; those who are doing the will of God. Lord, where can we hide from you, your eyes has the power of ten thousand folds of the light of Sun. Lord, mould my heart to make a home for you.   
‘From heaven Yahweh looks down, he sees all the children of Adam,
From the place where he sits he watches
All who do dwell on the earth?
He alone moulds their hearts,
He understands all they do.’(Ps.33: 13-15)

Lord, I am fixing my eyes on your mighty glory; send your light on me and save me. ‘Fix your gaze on Yahweh and your face will grow bright; you will never hang your head in shame.’(Ps. 34: 5)

But Lord, you fix your eyes on those who do evil. But Yahweh’s face is set against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.’(Ps. 34:16)

Lord, when I can see your face? I thirst for God, the living God; when shall I go to see the face of God?’(Ps. 42: 2)

Lord, do not hide your face from me; otherwise I will lose my hope in You. ‘Why do you turn face away, forgetting that we are poor and harassed?’(Ps. 44:24)

Lord, pardon my sins and cleanse me from all evil I do. Turn away your face from my sins, and wipe away all my guilt.’(Ps. 51: 9)

Lord, your eyes are always looking the men who are asking your mercy. Bless us Lord and fill our heart with the thirst to seek you. Lord, open the heart and mind of your children to seek you wholeheartedly. ‘God looks down from heaven at the children of Adam, to see if single one is wise, a single one seeks God.’(Ps. 53: 2).But to whom shall He looks? Lord, make me humble, give me the true Godly repentance, and make my heart tremble by hearing Your Holy Word. ‘But my eyes are drawn to the person of humble and contrite spirit, who trembles at my word’ Is. 66.2. Lord fills our heart with His fear and love. Lord, let your love pour on us and let us shine like the bright stars in the sky. ‘God Sabaoth, bring us back, let your face shine on us and we shall be safe.’(Ps. 80: 7, 80: 19)

(to be Continued........)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

God's Holy Face

Part II

Lord, only you can put the happiness in our heart. Only you can give the joy and peace in our heart. Many keep saying ‘who will put happiness before our eyes?’ Let the light of your face shine on us. Yahweh, to my heart you are a richer joy than all their corn and new wine’ (Ps. 4: 6-7). Lord, when we see your face I feel your outpouring grace on me.

Lord, I am a sinner, help me to reconcile with you to see your radiant Holy Face You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; no sinner can be your guest. Boasters cannot stand their ground under you gaze.’(Ps. 5: 5) Yes Lord, your face is always hidden for the wicked. The boasters and hypocrites cannot approach you.

Lord, forgive us for our lack of wisdom and faith in knowing the truth. Lord do not forget us, and do not hide your Face from us. But against the wicked you turn your face away from them. God forgets, he has turned away his face to avoid seeing the end’ (Ps. 10:11) Lord, you see everything that is hidden in our heart and mind.

Lord when you created Adam and while you formed his face, you made it in Jesus’ Your Son’s own image Gen.1: 26. Genesis 1:26 (NJB) 26 God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.’ You were never hardened Your Holy Face towards our wickedness, but you were always merciful to us sinners.

Lord, because of our sin you were sentenced for torturing and even death on the Cross. But none of us realised this in our generation. Lord, we all neglected your merciful eternal love. Lord, forgive us for all our rebellious actions towards you.    Forcibly, after sentence, he was taken. Which of his contemporaries was concerned at his having been cut off from the land of the living, at his having been struck dead for his peoples’ rebellion?’ (Is. 53: 8.)

You never uttered a word to your persecutors; you never complaint and were kept quiet. This way you won the heart of Heavenly Father to give us inheritance of your Kingdom. Lord, only you can carry our sins. ‘Ill treated and afflicted, he never opened his mouth, like a lamb led to the slaughter –house, like as sheep dumb before its’ Shearer’, he never opened his mouth. (Is. 53:7)

You never done a sin either, but you were counted as a sinner for our sake. You never hide your face to anyone who seeks you. Lord let me see your face in my sorrows, in my persecutions, in the darkness, in all my weaknesses and in all my ways.  Although, he had done no violence, had spoken no deceit. It was Yahweh’s good pleasure to crush him with pain; if he gives his life as a sin offering. He will see his offspring and prolong his life and through him Yahweh’s good pleasure will be done’. (Is. 53: 9-10)


Monday, November 25, 2013

God's Holy Face

Part I
A consecration to the Holy Face

Lord, Jesus I give thanks to you that you have made me know your Holy Face. It was on the Feast day of the Holy Trinity, after the Mass in Jebal Ali Church I came to the camp and I was just reading the passage from the Prayers of St. Therese of Lisieux (chapter 11 & 12) I was so touched by her love for Jesus Christ and her attitude towards His Holy Face, and it was contemplative. (Then I remembered the time when I came to Jesus I was just going through the word of God, and not understanding anything. Then I remember when Br. Joemon has given me Is. 53 to read and meditate. When I read this, it was so touched and my heart was filled with the image of Jesus’ blood stained face. St. Therese was so touched by this particular chapter of Isaiah 53 and ‘They were the foundation of all her piety’. In her own words “I too, have desired to be without beauty, alone in treading the wine press, unknown to everyone”, yes indeed! Like Mother Mary she never tried to be known to anyone.

I felt I would write a song in her honour and the Spirit of God was guiding me to write this.

St. Therese, St. Therese, of child Jesus
Oh Little Flower; of God’s own garden
Pray for us, pray for us, poor souls,
Pray for us, pray for us, poor sinners.

          You saw the Face of Jesus our Lord,
          In the light of His eternal glory,
          When we see Him face to face,
          Pray for us, to share His eternity…... (Pray for us.)

You wrote the prayers; in the heart of Jesus
Together we do the sacrifice, for the poor souls
An act of oblation we make for God,
To save the poor sinners, for Jesus…....(Pray for us.)

          You prayed to Jesus; wholeheartedly,
          In his Holy Heart you rest in peace.
          When you walk with Jesus hand in hand
          Tell my sorrows to Him graciously… (Pray for us.)

Oh my Little Flower! Together we can search the Face of our Lord and pray for the salvation of many souls. Lord your beauty was snatched away by our sins Is.53: 2.We betrayed you without any reason and we are not able to see your Face, because it is blood stained. ‘We averted our gaze, despised, for whom we have no regard’ Is. 53:3. Lord we never respect you and never consider you, as you are our creator and our only God. But you bear all our sins in a pleasant way; and with a smiling face you are looking to us. Lord, we have no regard about your suffering.

But we thought God was punished you for your guiltiness Is.53: 4-5.
‘Yet ours were the sufferings he was bearing,
Ours the sorrows he was carrying,
While we thought of him as someone being punished
And struck with affliction by God;
Where as he was being wounded for our rebellions,
Crushed because of our guilt;
The punishment reconciling us fell on him,
And we have been healed by his bruises.’


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lord, Have Mercy on Your People Poem 15

Poem - 15
Lord our God, why have You finally rejected us,
Lord, Your anger blazing against us, Your own flock that You pasture 
Lord, remember Your people, before Your fire consuming us,
Lord, You gave us the Mount Zion where You lived
With your own tribe, You redeemed since the beginning
Lord, come to restore these endless ruins of Your Sanctuary
The enemy has sacked everything in the sanctuary;
Lord, your opponents made uproar in the place of assemblies,
Lord, we are eaten up with zeal for Your house.
Lord, they fixed their emblems over the entrance, 
Their axes slit deep in the wood of your own Cross,
As they done with Your own flesh on the Cross in Calvary
They battered Your Alter down with axe and pick; 
They were get rid of the panels, in front your Holy of Holies
They set fire to Your sanctuary, profanely razed to the ground
They mock Your Holy dwelling-place of Your Holy Name.
They said to themselves, ‘Let us crush them at one stroke!’
They burned down every sacred shrine in the land one by one.
We see no signs, no prophet any more, and none of us knows how long it will last.
How much longer, God, will the enemy blaspheme?
Is the enemy to insult Your name forever?
Why hold back Your hand, why keep your right hand hidden
Yet, God, my king from the first, author of saving acts throughout the earth,
By Your power you split the sea in two,
You saved Your own people Israelites from Egyptians
You smashed the heads of the monsters on the waters.
You crushed Leviathan’s heads, gave him as food to the wild animals.
You released the springs and brooks,
And You turned the ancient rivers into dry land.
Yours is the day and yours the night, you caused sun and light to exist,
 You fixed all the boundaries of the earth,
You created summer, autumn, spring and winter.
 Remember, Yahweh, the enemy’s blasphemy against you
The foolish people always insult Your Name
Do not surrender Your turtledove to the beast;
Do not forget forever the life of Your oppressed people
Lord, have mercy on Your people of Syria
They are in distress and mourning for Your help
The enemy surrounded them and made them captives
Enemy killed many of them, Your Priests, men, women and children
How long, how long O’ Lord; we wait for justice on your people
Syria, where Your Apostles and disciples lived and gathered in Your Name
You gathered many Christians there and led them to your Sanctuary
But Lord, we are very few now to proclaim Your Truth
Lord, Your own people are oppressed by the enemy
All the hiding-places of the land are full, haunts of violence
The enemy is hiding even in the midst lambs
Syria, where Your people were called Christians
Syria, the cradle of Christianity, once Your beloved land
Where Your servant Paul were converted and became your instrument
Where many were martyred for their faith in you
Where Your holy men and women St Takhla, St Ephraim,
St Ignatius of Antioch, St Jerome, St John Chrysostom, St Polycarp,
St Simon Stylite and courageous St John Damascene were lived
Lord, look to Your Most Holy Covenant!
Remember the cry of Your people in Egypt
One by one the enemy eaten up Your people
Lord, put Your infinite love in the heart of your people
Lord, give them the strength to sustain in their faith
Lord, hear our plea, our tears are dried up
No more voices are coming from our mouth
Lord, You made the Everlasting Covenant with us,
By shedding Your own blood, and redeemed us
Do not let Your downtrodden flocks retreat in confusion,
Give the poor and needy cause to praise Your name.
Arise, God, champion your own cause,
Remember how fools blaspheme You all day long!
Do not forget the shouting of Your enemies,
They are countless and many are our persecutors
Lord mercy on us for our countless sins
Lord, forgive our sins and grant us Your salvation


Thursday, April 11, 2013

House of My Lord Poem 14

Poem- 14

Lord my heart burning with zeal
For the House of my Lord
In silence, let me tell my weakness to you
In silence let me confess my sins to you

Lord, let Your Temple fill with Your Glory
Lord, let me make your Altar with all richness of the world
Let our prayers, like incense reach in your presence
Make your house a holy and adorable place

But who can live in Your Holy Temple
Only who lives blamelessly and uprightly
Who can speak the truth from his heart?
Those keep the tongue under control 

My sins are like scarlet and red as crimson
Lord Jesus, Son of God, I am a sinner have mercy on me
Lord, let me not be discouraged, by my sins in serving you
But Lord cleanse me by your precious blood

I am not worthy to serve you by my unclean heart,
But cleanse my thoughts and feelings
Lord, send me your Spirit, to guide me and teach me
Let my path, always seek truth and justice in your eyes

Lord, mould me to lead a holy life
But Lord, let me make Your Word my home
Lord, make me; your disciple and
Set me free by keeping your Holy Word


Monday, April 8, 2013

Holy Tears Poem 13

Poem - 13

Oh, holy tears of Apostles, martyrs and saints
Oh, cleanse me from all my uncleanness
Oh holy tears, a blessing for those who wanting God
Oh holy tears, a blessing from Lord who seek Him earnestly

Lord, you shed tears for my sins in Gethsemane
My spiritual father told me, shed tears everyday
And you will keep the steadfast faith in our Lord 
I cried day and night for my sins and He kept me safe

Lord, you taught me; sow in tears and sing as you reap. 
I went off, went off weeping, carrying the seed, 
I came back, came back, singing, 
Bringing  in my sheaves and returned home.

Lord I lift my eyes towards you,
Just as the eyes of a slave on his master's hand,
Or like the eyes of a slave girl, on the hand of her mistress,
So my eyes are on my Lord and my God, have mercy on me.


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...