Saturday, November 30, 2013

God's Holy Face

Part II

Lord, only you can put the happiness in our heart. Only you can give the joy and peace in our heart. Many keep saying ‘who will put happiness before our eyes?’ Let the light of your face shine on us. Yahweh, to my heart you are a richer joy than all their corn and new wine’ (Ps. 4: 6-7). Lord, when we see your face I feel your outpouring grace on me.

Lord, I am a sinner, help me to reconcile with you to see your radiant Holy Face You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; no sinner can be your guest. Boasters cannot stand their ground under you gaze.’(Ps. 5: 5) Yes Lord, your face is always hidden for the wicked. The boasters and hypocrites cannot approach you.

Lord, forgive us for our lack of wisdom and faith in knowing the truth. Lord do not forget us, and do not hide your Face from us. But against the wicked you turn your face away from them. God forgets, he has turned away his face to avoid seeing the end’ (Ps. 10:11) Lord, you see everything that is hidden in our heart and mind.

Lord when you created Adam and while you formed his face, you made it in Jesus’ Your Son’s own image Gen.1: 26. Genesis 1:26 (NJB) 26 God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.’ You were never hardened Your Holy Face towards our wickedness, but you were always merciful to us sinners.

Lord, because of our sin you were sentenced for torturing and even death on the Cross. But none of us realised this in our generation. Lord, we all neglected your merciful eternal love. Lord, forgive us for all our rebellious actions towards you.    Forcibly, after sentence, he was taken. Which of his contemporaries was concerned at his having been cut off from the land of the living, at his having been struck dead for his peoples’ rebellion?’ (Is. 53: 8.)

You never uttered a word to your persecutors; you never complaint and were kept quiet. This way you won the heart of Heavenly Father to give us inheritance of your Kingdom. Lord, only you can carry our sins. ‘Ill treated and afflicted, he never opened his mouth, like a lamb led to the slaughter –house, like as sheep dumb before its’ Shearer’, he never opened his mouth. (Is. 53:7)

You never done a sin either, but you were counted as a sinner for our sake. You never hide your face to anyone who seeks you. Lord let me see your face in my sorrows, in my persecutions, in the darkness, in all my weaknesses and in all my ways.  Although, he had done no violence, had spoken no deceit. It was Yahweh’s good pleasure to crush him with pain; if he gives his life as a sin offering. He will see his offspring and prolong his life and through him Yahweh’s good pleasure will be done’. (Is. 53: 9-10)


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