Monday, September 2, 2024

The Word of God


Word of God, On 2nd September 2024

Lord, let our love towards others without any pretence 

Rm 12: 6-9 Then since the gifts that we have differ according to the grace that was given to each of us: if it is a gift of prophecy, we should prophesy as much as our faith tells us; if it is a gift of practical service, let us devote ourselves to serving; if it is teaching, to teaching; if it is encouraging, to encouraging. When you give, you should give generously from the heart; if you are put in charge, you must be conscientious; if you do works of mercy, let it be because you enjoy doing them. Let love be without any pretence. Avoid what is evil; stick to what is good

The spiritual gifts that we possess will differ depending on the grace that Jesus has bestowed upon us. How we prophesy or preach will be determined by the measure of our faith. We cannot preach to the audience what we do not possess. We serve the Lord in a variety of ways, some of which are practical. Whatever we do, whether it's teaching, helping, or encouraging, we should do it with devotion and thankfulness in our hearts. If we are allocated or granted authority for a unique mission or task, we should carry it out diligently. We may appreciate performing acts of compassion or mercy. Our love for others should be genuine, so that the fragrance of Jesus' love can spread to everyone. Always avoid evil behaviors that may impede our spiritual advancement, and instead focus on doing good.  

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