Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Light and Darkness



The False Prophets

Lord lead us to Your Truth, Your Word is Truth

  The false prophets will lead us away from the truth of Jesus, the true light. All dreams and visions will be based solely on God's Word; if the Word does not come from God, the dream and vision are false. The prophesy will be erroneous if the Lord does not speak because the prophet is not speaking from God. Jeremiah 23:28–29 (NJB): Let the prophet who has had a dream tell it for a dream! And let him who receives a word from me, deliver my word accurately! ‘What have straw and wheat in common? Yahweh demands. 29 Is my word not like fire, Yahweh demands, is it not like a hammer shattering a rock?

  In the end times, many false prophets will appear to deceive us, and we may abandon our true trust in Jesus Christ. So, we shouldn't listen to them. Never go to hear the Word of God from another Charism; each Charism has a particular type of teaching, and we have a unique Charism of the Word of God. There are numerous incorrect teachings that stem from false instructors, and we should not involve with them to hear and give attention to such doctrines. 1 Timothy 4:1–2 (NJB): The Spirit has explicitly said that during the last times some will desert the faith and pay attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines that come from devils, 2 seduced by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are branded as though with a red-hot iron:

  1Timothy 6:2–5 (NJB): This is what you are to teach and urge. 3 Anyone who teaches anything different and does not keep to the sound teaching, which is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, the doctrine, which is in accordance with true religion, 4 is proud and has no understanding, but rather a weakness for questioning everything and arguing about words. All that can come of this is jealousy, contention, abuse and evil mistrust; 5 and unending disputes by people who are depraved in mind and deprived of truth, and imagine that religion is a way of making a profit. There are many false teachings are there by using the Prosperity way of teaching the Gospel. Always keep away from any kind of disputes which no meaning or no connection in spiritual things. The sound doctrine will empower us to reach to the Kingdom of God.

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