Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart, Day 30

When we appeal to the throne of grace we do so through Mary, honoring God by honoring His Mother, imitating Him by exalting her, touching the most responsive chord in the sacred heart of Christ with the sweet name of Mary.”

Saint Robert Bellarmine S.J. Doctor of the Church

Lord, teach us how to love you, keep us close to your Sacred Heart.

Pr 4: 4-6 This was what he used to teach me, ‘Let your heart treasure what I have to say, keep my principles and you will live; 5 acquire wisdom, acquire understanding, never forget her, never deviate from my words. 6 Do not desert her, she will keep you safe; love her, she will watch over you. The Lord is communicating to us in these verses; if we value God's Word in our hearts and live by it, we will live. Our Lord will live in our hearts, and he will govern our thoughts and actions. Never ignore God's counsel or veer from the Holy Spirit's teachings. There is one thing, and it is a mystery: if we work hard for wisdom with Mother Mary, she will assist us in our petitions. We should not abandon her; we should cherish her because she will keep us safe and watch over us day and night. This is what Jesus asks us to accomplish.


  Ps 42: 1-2As a deer yearns for running streams, so I yearn for you, my God. 2 I thirst for God, the living God; when shall I go to see the face of God? Our hearts should seek Jesus our Lord; his heart is eager to embrace us. We should have zeal for our Lord. The Psalmist is wailing and pleading with his shattered heart, asking the Lord when he would be able to see the face of God.

Lord, teach us how to love you, keep us close to your Sacred Heart. Lord, let your Mother help us in our prayers and petitions and guard our souls from all kinds of evil intentions.


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