Friday, June 7, 2024

The Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus

 Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart Day 7

The Holy Trinity will come to us and make a home in us

   John 14:23 (NJB): Jesus replied:  Anyone who loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make a home in him. Jesus makes a promise to all of us: a Trinitarian blessing from above. He adds that if we love him, we will keep his Word, and that when we keep God's Word in our hearts, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Heavenly Father will come and stay in us. How we must preserve God's Word in our hearts, with humility and contrition. How can we invite Jesus into our hearts? By loving him and meditating on his Word day and night. Psalm 119:148 (NJB): My eyes are awake before each watch of the night, to ponder your promise. Psalmist here says, he even awake in the watches of the night to ponder God’s Words and His promises. His promise is that he will love us, and when he loves us the Heavenly Father also will love us, and the Holy Trinity will come and abide in our heart. John 19:34 (NJB): one of the soldiers pierced his side with a lance; and immediately there came out blood and water. The Eucharist is really the Heart of Jesus broken for us. Let us adore and worship Jesus in the Eucharist. In 2008 in Sokolka, Poland, a consecrated host the priest dropped during Communion was placed in water to dissolve, according to standard practice, and it was locked in a safe in the sacristy. A week later, the sacristan, a religious sister, checked on the host, which she discovered to have a red stain on it. The host was removed from the water and as it dried, the stain ultimately appeared to look more like a wound. It was studied and found to include myocardial, or heart, tissue that was inexplicably interwoven with the bread fibers. 

  ‘O indescribable beauty of God most high! O pure radiance of everlasting light! O life that gives life to all life! O light that illuminates every light, and preserves in its undying splendor the myriad flames that have shone before the throne of your godhead from the dawn of time!’ St Bonaventure(Second Reading of Office Reading for today on the Feast of Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus)


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