Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Ligt and Darkness



Lord, let your glory reflect in our hearts, mind and body

   Lord gave me this Word of God for my particular mission. He never likes us to keep any bitterness in our hearts towards anybody in our family, friends or even towards our enemies. We never know how the devil use his opportunity to deceive us by such kind of bitternes or anger to keeps us away from holiness. Hebrews 12:15–16 (NJB): 15 Be careful that no one is deprived of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness should begin to grow and make trouble;   this can poison a large number. 16 And be careful that there is no immoral person, or anyone worldly minded like Esau, who sold his birthright. When the bitterness came into the mind of Esau by his worldly actions, he sold his birthright to his brother. 

  How the light of Jesus empopower us to do the vitreous gifts in our spiritual life. We have to be transformed by Jesus. He is our master and creator and he can be our intimate friend and companion. Our Lord is the Spirit and He can show us the truth, which is hidden in the Scriptures. The Holy has to reveal the hidden mysteries in the Holy Scriptures, then the glory of the Lord will reflect in our heart. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NJB): ‘And all of us, with our unveiled faces like mirrors reflecting the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the image that we reflect in brighter and brighter glory; this is the working of the Lord who is the Spirit.’ The light of Jesus will transform us and he will glorify us in eternity.

   Lord said to me these words because of my sins and I was frightened: “But all that rust would not come off in the fire. Your filth is infamous. Since I have tried to purge you and you would not let yourself be purged of your filth, so now you will never be purged of your filth until I have sated my anger on you. I, Yahweh, have spoken; this will happen; I shall act and not relent; I shall show no pity, no compassion. You will be judged as your conduct and actions deserve—declare the Lord Yahweh.”’ (Ezek. 24: 12-14). How can our our filth will be cured or healed by God, by our complete surrender. This way only our sins will be cleansed from our darkened mind. Let us plead to our Lord for cleanse us and purify us. 

  Lord, My heart is sobbing and wailing unceasingly for You. Your Words are throbbing in my ears and in my mind. Lord, forgive me and make my heart pure and holy. Fill my heart with your love.


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