Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Daily Word of God


Daily Word on 7th October 2023 

The true Baptism of Jesus is in the Holy Spirit

John 1:26–27 (NJB): John answered them, ‘I baptise with water; but standing among you—unknown to you— 27 is the one who is coming after me; and I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandal.’

John Baptist brought to make a way for Christ and he is one who baptise with water and John says he is worthy to loose the strap of Jesus’s sandals. He knew his is unworthy to serve Jesus. Here we can understand the baptism which Catholics has more precious than any other sects of Christianity. Again when a grown up child get the 1st Holy communion she or he  might be anointed with the holy oil as a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit. 

John 1:32–33 (NJB):He saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven and rest on him. 33 I did not know him myself, but he who sent me to baptise with water had said to me, “The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and rest is the one who is to baptise with the Holy Spirit.”

John 1:33 (NJB): The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and rest is the one who is to baptise with the Holy Spirit.” 

Here John the Baptist saying about the Baptism which Jesus is going to give. His baptism is with fire and Holy Spirit. This is the sign of Jesus’s death amd resurrection. After the resurrection Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to his apostles and his disciples, whiich was his promise to them. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the sign of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. By admitting his nothingness, John the Baptist became humble in front of the Lord. 

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