Saturday, August 12, 2023

Light and Darkness

Part Part VII

Lord, enlighten our mind and heart by Your Living Word

  Working hard in spiritual exercises is very important to lead perfection spiritual life. We need certain discipline in our prayer life and sacrifice, then only we can sustain in our Charism. Keep our body and mind holy is the most important thing, and who can sustain in faith without sin? “How can a young man keep his ways spotless? By keeping his words, with all my heart I seek you, do not let me stray from your commandments. In my heart I treasure your promises, to avoid sinning against you.” Ps 119: 9-11. In these four years we spent our time in constant prayer and continual meditation on the Word of God. Then slowly by prayer and fasting, the darkness and all kind of evil will fade away, and the light of Jesus will guide us to the real truth. Fasting is very important in our spiritual life, and not normal fasting by avoiding the food and other things, but in prayer and in perseverance and be charitable by giving alms, avoid dirty talks, be kind to poor, visit the sick and help the needy, care about widows this is the way we should fast. The more we do, the more we will be strengthened. Then only the evil spirit will run away from us. ‘This is the kind that can be driven out only by prayer and fasting.’ (Mk.9: 29)The streams of living water will flow from our heart when we hearing Jesus’ Words with perseverance and wholeheartedly, “but not one who drinks the water will be thirsty again: the water that I shall give will become a spring of water within, welling up for eternal life.” Jn. 4: 14. We should drink this Living Water the Word of God in the day and night. Then we will grow slowly and gradually and start producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit: ‘the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, trustfulness, and self-control.’(Gal. 5: 22) If we do not follow our spiritual fathers’ teachings and guidance, we will become the prisoners of the darkness instead of becoming the slaves for our Lord. Then eternal providence will be snatched away from us. 

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