Sunday, November 27, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 26, Evening Prayer:  Lord, I am lifting my hands towards You, have mercy on me!

  After the whole day’s of effort, what we gain and what we lost? We have to examine ourselves wholeheartedly. In the evening of the day examine ourselves with a humble and contrite heart, how efficiently we spent our day with the Lord. ‘The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds: and until it does, he is not to be consoled, nor will he desist until the Most High takes notice of him, acquits the upright and delivers judgement.’ Eccles. 35: 16-17. So do the prayer in a humble nature because our Lord humbled Himself to accept the death on the Cross. He did not count equality with God. The evening prayer is so important because all our efforts which we done in the Spirit of God during the day should be examined and say thanks to God for His mercy. More over ask pardon for our failings (the sins in words and deeds) which we done against God’s will. Our prayer should be like incense which is pleasing God as the priests offer during the time of Sacrifice of Holy Mass. ‘Yahweh, I am calling, hurry to me, and listen to my voice when I call to you. May my prayer be like incense in your presence, my uplifted hands like the evening sacrifice? Ps. 141: 1-2. When we lift our hands all our bondages will be broken and we will be free to accept the Spirit of God.

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