Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 22, The Moning Prayer, Lord, help us to stay away from sins.

  One thing is very important in our spiritual life is that to do fasting and prayer, this way we get the repentance and we will lament for our sins. This will help us to stay away from the sins. We may experience the presence of Jesus when we start keeping vigil in our prayers. It will give us the constant intimacy with our Lord and He will give us the concentration in our prayers.  If we starve our body we can control our temptations and our body; the flesh. That’s why Sirach says about the overeating. ‘Sirach 23:6 (NJB): do not let lechery and lust grip me, do not leave me a prey to shameless desire. St. Paul also says not to be the belly worshipers. ‘They are destined to be lost; their god is the stomach; they glory in what they should think shameful, since their minds are set on earthly things. Phi. 3:19. Even Jesus was tempted by Satan to have food, but what Jesus told is to be an eye opening for us: ‘Human beings live not on bread alone.’ Lk. 4: 4. But by Word of God: ‘………to show that not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. Detr.8:3(V-DRBO). So let’s pray to our Lord, to strive for fasting and prayer; it is an important factor to grow spiritually.

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