Monday, November 14, 2022

Daily Prayer

Day 21, The Morning Prayer. Lord, at day break You hear my voice and I fix my eyes on You!

   The Psalmist says in great devotion: ‘To you I pray, Yahweh. At day break you hear my voice; at day break I lay my case before you and fix my eyes on you.’ Ps. 5: 3.This is exactly what we have to do in the morning. We should pray to God before the Sun rises to say thanks to His Holy Name. ‘To give you thanks, we must rise before the sun and meet you at the dawning of the day………’Wis. 16: 28.We submit everything unto Him. Fix the eyes on Him; that means read the Scriptures; this way we can fix our eyes on Him. Read the Bible in humbly and reverently to listen His voice silently. If we lament for or sins, we can concentrate in prayer and will come closer into His heart. Jesus also prayed early in the morning before he does anything for the Kingdom of God.’ When the day light came he left the house and made his way to a lonely place’ Lk. 4:22. St. Paul says about the daily prayer: ‘Pray constantly’1Thes. 5:17. Again he says: ‘Be persevering in your prayers and thankful as stay awake to pray’. We should stay awake to pray. ‘Do not be hesitant in prayer; do not neglect to give alms.’ Sir.7: 10. Never feel lazy for praying. Prayer and almsgiving goes together. Sirach 32:15 (D-R): And at the time of rising be not slack: but be first to run home to thy house, and there withdraw thyself, and there take thy pastime When we wake up first thing we have to do is the prayer and remember His Name always. Fear of Lord brings us listen the scolding of Him and never be discouraged or wavering in our faith. Our pleasure will be to obey His statitudes and there the grace comes and abide in us.

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