Thursday, June 2, 2022

Sacred Heart Day 2


Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Day 2 June 2, 2022

Tune our heart to wisdom and understanding 

Pr 2: 1-5 My child, if you take my words to heart, if you set store by my commandments, 2 tuning your ear to wisdom, tuning your heart to understanding, 3 yes, if your plea is for clear perception, if you cry out for understanding, 4 if you look for it as though for silver, search for it as though for buried treasure, 5 then you will understand what the fear of Yahweh is, and discover the knowledge of God. This Word of God is very important and there are many instructions God is giving us like a father teaches his children. We should tune our ear to wisdom and tuning our hearts to understanding what God is telling us. Whenever we ask for something from God, it should be from a clear perception through the way God shows to us. There are many treasures hidden in the Kingdom of God which He prepared for each one of us. What we will ask God, like a beggar we should approach Him, for the knowledge and understanding to know Him. Then He will give us the knowledge of the fear of God. Apostle St Mathew has written in the Gospel about the buried treasure. Matthew 13:44 (NJB): The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off in his joy, sells everything he owns and buys the field. We have to strive for this treasure, hidden by God, but he will reveal to us, if we have the gentle, humble and contrite heart and tremble at God’s Word. 

Lord Jesus, give us the heart like yours to understand the wisdom, knowledge and understanding 

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