Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Jesus Son of God

 Jesus Son of God 


 Chapter I 

   Lord, we pray to you to increase our faith as Apostles prayed to you. Lord, we are created by you to fulfill your mission on earth till we depart from this world to live in your eternity. Lord, I am an unworthy servant, have mercy on me, am a sinner. 


  We believe by faith that Jesus is Son of God and this is the ultimate foundation of Christianity and Catholic faith. This faith is the gift of our Lord through His mercy which poured upon us. Gabriel the Angel of God came to Mother Mary and proclaims the mystery, the birth of Jesus. ‘But the angel of God said to her ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Look! You are to conceive in you womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of Most High.’ Lk.1: 31-32. Heavenly Father himself proclaims about Jesus; He is the Son of God. Jesus was born a man and as well as Godly divine nature.  That's why he is called Son of God. 


  God the Father Himslef declared that Jesus is His only Son. ‘And the Holy Spirit descended on him like in a physical form, like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “you are my Son; today have I fathered you.” Lk. 3: 22. We cannot neglect this factor, And through him only the salvation comes. This makes us separate from the other religions and other sects. Jesus is the stone which is rejected by many and he became the cornerstone, because by observing the salvation is not a mere thing to understand. The Holy Spirit will reveal these mysteries to those whom chosen by Jesus.  “This is stone which you builders, rejected but which has become the cornerstone. Only in him is there salvation; for all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved.” Acts.4: 11-12. One who seek the faith; think by faith and live by faith; it will lead him to salvation. Faith is a gift from God, and we cannot question Him for anythingHow God made known to whole humanity is only through His beloved Son. We have no ability to see God through our naked eyes. He brought His only begotten Son to reveal himself to us. Jesus is the One who is revealing about the Heavenly Father to us. How Jesus will reveal this to us, by making ourselves humble in front of God. 

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