Tuesday, October 1, 2019

David a Man of God's Own Heart Poem 39

David a Man of God's Own Heart

David our father a prophet of God of His own heart
From his  dynasty Jesus Son of God came into this world
David, you are the first musician of the House of God
Lead all the musicians as a procession to glorify our God

David, In all his activities he gave thanks to the Holy One Most High
In words of glory; he put all his heart into his songs
To glorify God, out of his love towards his Creator
He placed singers before the altar, melodiously to sing;

He wrote many of Psalms to glorify and praise God
He gave the feasts their splendour, the festivals their solemnity
He made the Lord’s holy name to be praised
He kept the holy sanctuary of God to resound from dawn till evening

Lord, you took away the sins of David
Lord, you have blessed him and made his strength ever greater;
God gave him a royal covenant, and a glorious throne in Israel
God blessed him an everlasting Kingdom in the House of David

David, he arranged goods to build a temple for God
But God allowed the Temple to be built by his son Solomon
Jesus, you said the Temple of Jerusalem will be destroyed
Lord, you said 'You destroy this temple, I will build it in three days

Lord Jesus, you built the church on your Holy Blood
You Inspired the Church Fathers to lead His flocks the way You wish
Your Holy Sacrifice inspired many worldly people
They all were transformed their mind and heart to do your will

David wrote, 'Make music for The Lord, all you who are faithful to him,
Praise his unforgettable holiness.
Sing to him a new song,
Make sweet music for your cry of victory.'

Lord, what quantities of good things
You have in store for those who fear you,
Bestow on those who make you their refuge,
The great blessings for all the humanity to see.

How blessed the nation whose God is Lord,
The people he has chosen as his heritage.
Now I am old, but ever since my youth
I never saw an upright person abandoned, forced to beg their bread.

Lord, you made David to teach your flocks
How to  glorify and praise God in art and music
Lord, you gave us many musicians to glorify you
You lead many of their mind in knowledge to use their skills to write

Lord, we all are coming into your Sanctuary with David our father
Who has inspired us day and night by singing his Psalms
His Psalms are the prayers of the hours
Which was arranged as liturgy of the hours in the church

David, he inspired me to read and meditate Psalms
It gave consolation and strength for my soul
Lord, you gave me steadfastness in my prayer life
Lord, you allowed me to share his grace to sing new psalms

Lord, you strengthened my fingers to write new songs to praise you
How can I forget your all the blessings
They are more than the hair in my head
Lord, strengthen me and bless me with a grateful heart

Of all His mysteries and blessings through out the generations
He inspired many souls to praise and glorify God!
May be It's a mere drop of water in the ocean
Mother Theresa says 'even the drop of water is less to fill the ocean'

Lord, how can we all become the drop of water
Only you can make us to be the precious drop of water, the grace
Lord, You will make this water into a valuable pearl in the ocean
That will never find elsewhere until the eternity

David sang, 'I bless Lord, who is my counsellor,
Even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep Yahweh before me always,
For with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me.'

David said, 'I praise you to the heights, Lord , for you have raised me up,
You have not let my foes make merry over me.
Lord my God, I cried to you for help and you hold me
Lord, you have lifted me out of Sheol,

How much you have done, Lord, my God—
Your wonders, your plans for us and you have no equal.
I will proclaim and speak of them; and they are beyond number.
You wanted no sacrifice or cereal offering,

But you gave me an open ear,
You did not ask for burnt offering or sacrifice for sin;
Then I said, ‘Here I am, I am coming.’
In the scroll of the book it is written of me,

My delight is to do your will; your law, my God, is deep in my heart.
I proclaimed the saving justice of Lord in the great assembly.
See, I will not hold my tongue, as you well know.
I have spoken of your constancy and saving help.

Lord, St Augustin said, How I wept when I heard your hymns and canticles,
being deeply moved by the sweet singing of your Church.
Those voices flowed into my ears,
truth filtered into my heart, and from my heart surged waves of devotion.

When I meditate Psalms, the divine light gone through my heart
The pain and sorrows and suffering vanished
The Lord has taken away the sins and all vanities
Tears ran down, and I was happy in my tears.

Lord, we bless you and adore you for your wonderful gifts
Lord you anointed David to be the King of your Nation
Lord, David was Harp in your hand
He played it to make you happy fill your heart with sweet melodies

Blessed be the House of David, whom brought the Son of God in this world

Community of Grace

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