Monday, June 9, 2014

Passion of Christ Poem 23

Poem 23

Lord, I betrayed you for thirty Shekels
That was the mere price we gave
Lord, I kissed You to sell You to the Jews
You asked me, "Do you betray me with a kiss?"

Lord, We put a crown on Your head of thorns
Lord, we pressed it harshly on Your head
The blood was oozing out over Your face
None was there to console you

Lord, We bound You on a pillar and scourged You
But, You never shed tears with pain
The flesh of Your body was torn apart
The bones can be seen through the holes in Your body

You were beaten and crushed for our sins
And You never opened your mouth
Now I trembled and feared as you suffered
Lord, I repent for my sins with flowing tears

Lord, We mocked You, by speaking evil words
But, You did not utter a word against us
Lord, We spat on Your face willingly
But, You gave a smile towards us

Ours were the sufferings You were bearing,
Ours were sorrows You were carrying,
But we thought of You, as someone being punished
And struck with affliction by God

The punishment reconciling us fell on You
And we have been healed by Your bruises,
We had all gone astray like sheep, each taking his own way,
The Father in Heaven poured out His wrath for our rebellion upon You

Like a lamb led to the slaughter-house,
Like a sheep dumb before its shearers
You never opened Your mouth.
Forcibly, after sentence, he was taken

We put the Cross on Your shoulder
You had no strength to carry the burden of the Cross
The heaviest burden of all was our sins, You were carrying
By falling and rising, You carried the Cross to Calvary

At last we pierced Your holy hands with cruel nails
The pain was so extreme and agonizing
Then we pierced your sacred feet with nails 
Lord, I could feel Your pain and it was horrible

Although, You had done no violence,
You spoke no deceit or complaint
It was Yahweh’s good pleasure to crush You with pain;
But You bear all suffering patiently

Lord, You carried our sickness and diseases
Lord, You offer Your Body as our Divine Food
And You offer Your  Blood for us as our Divine Drink
Lord, Your mercy lead us to eternity

While You were hanging on the Cross You saved the contrite criminal
He repented and asked You the favor to remember him
Lord, You offered him Paradise before he died on the cross
Oh, merciful Lord, remember me in Your Kingdom

From the Cross You told Your Mother "this is your son"
Then You told John "this is Your Mother"
Lord, give me Your Mother to embrace her
Bless me Lord, to accept her in my home

Lord, You cried out from the Cross
Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani
"My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"
Then You made a loud cry and took the last breath

We all were watching and wailing
The veil of the sanctuary was torn into two
The four other women, Your beloved near You
Watching and crying, carrying the pain in their heart

Which of Your contemporaries were concerned about this?
You have been cut off from the land of the living
You have been struck dead for Your people’s rebellion.
You were given a grave with the wicked

Lord we thank You and praise You for Your everlasting love
May we glorify You and bless till the end of our life.


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