Monday, June 9, 2014

Lord, You gave us many blessings Poem 22

Poem 22

Lord, You gave us many blessings
But, we never used them for Your glory and honor
You gave us many, many huge churches
But, ravens and scavengers use them as their dens.

Lord, You gave us many Priests to serve us
But we never respected them,
Instead we mocked them and all Your holy people
Then we lost You and all Your Kingdom.

Lord You invited us, to gather around Your Table
To share Your holy meal, which You transformed
On the Altar of Crucifixion, where You are the only Victim
To pour out Your love for me and for many.

Lord, You shed Your Most Holy Blood as our drink
And Your Body was torn apart and pierced by nails
To make it our Most Holy spiritual Food
Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us.

When we gather in front of Your Altar
Where Your Priests perform the sacrifice of Body and Blood
Lord, we are cleansed by Your Holy Water
To make us, Your sons and daughters.

Lord, do not take away Your glory from Your Altar
Lord, let us all keep the fear of You when we come to Your Temple
Lord, take away all our anger and hatred from our heart
Towards our brothers and sisters and even from our enemies.

The smoke of burned incense from the Altar was taken to Heaven with our prayer
The Heavenly Angels and Saints are in great joy and in fear
To watch the most Holy Sacrifice of Mass
Lord, with great reverence, we all kneel before Your Holy Altar.


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