Saturday, November 22, 2014

St. Cecilia my beloved....


Feast Day on 22nd November

Oh Saint Cecilia My Beloved …….

Oh, St Cecelia my beloved....
Oh, St. Cecelia, God’s Heavenly dove,
Holy martyr of God’s Eternal Kingdom
God sent you to save the sinners for his eternal glory,
As a burnt offering to the Lord our Saviour

            The fires came down from heaven,
            To sanctify your body and soul for His Eternity
            As a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Lord
            We offer you, in the Alter of our God Almighty

Oh, St. Cecelia, our patron saint of music
Pray for us and teach us the way, of praising God
Pray for me to make music to our God
Till the end of my days, in this mortal world

            The mountains are singing in the silence of the night
            The rivers are singing with the roaring sound
            The birds, beetles and nightingales are singing with joy
            As we join with you, by singing and praising God

Oh, fearless lady and wonderful teacher,
Of heavenly soul of Truth, Jesus our Lord
Let heaven and earth praise His Majesty
For such a wonderful gift from His Mighty Throne

Oh, beautiful virgin of God’s own Temple
And a mirror in graces of our heavenly Mother
Pray for us, oh, heavenly dove, heavenly dove
And guide us the way, to His Eternity

Lord, let heaven and earth are rejoicing with such wonderful gifts of saints, you are giving us to experience your kingdom. We give thanks to you and glorify you till the end of our days in this world Amen!

Mohny P. - community of Grace

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lord, I love your Sanctuary Poem 26

Poem 26

Lord, how precious is Your Sanctuary to me
But we neglect Your presence there
This is the situation of our soul
Come Lord, to live and abide in us

Lord, You are the prisoner of love in the Tabernacle
You come to visit us in the form of Bread
Which You share with those whom You love
You welcome anyone who approaches You with repentance

Lord, how can I love You wholeheartedly?
Make my heart like Yours to love You
Lord abide in me to carry Your love in my heart
Cleanse my heart by Your Precious Blood

Lord You are living in the Mighty Body of the Church
As well as living in those humble and pure of heart
Lord I look into your heart to seek a place to live
To abide in your love and in life everlasting.

Lord I love Your Sanctuary where you reside
But we, our wretched hearts do not value Your presence
I see, David Your servant honor You in everything he did
God You found in David a man after Your own heart,

Lord I am weak and lowly and not worthy of anything good
But You chose me from the ends of the earth
Where no one  lives according to your will,
Everyone choosing their own ways for salvation

You are my salvation my Lord and my God
You never abandoned me even when I lived in the desert
But Your love carries me on even though I am a lonely traveler.
Lord, how long, how long must  I travel to reach You eternally


Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Triumph of the Cross Poem 25

Poem 25

Jesus made everything new by shedding His own blood and established the New Covenant. The law given to Moses is renewed and given perfection to it. Jesus said: “This cup is the New Covenant in my blood poured out for you.”Lk. 22: 20. He abolished the old structure of law and made it new by giving his love and mercy. He poured his grace upon all humanity.

Lord, Your Cross has brought the fruit of life
The fruit which is the symbol of Everlasting Life
Lord, for us its a way to salvation
And also is the power of God.

Lord, we wants to follow You whole heartedly
Lord, let me renounce myself
To take up my cross everyday and follow You
Lord, this is the way of Cross we meets eternity

Lord, let me embrace the narrow way
The way to destruction is very wide
Lord, let me not choose the way of this world
But, those who suffer will find eternal life

Lord, from the Cross You brought the salvation
But for the foolish men, the message of Cross is folly
Lord, You shed all the blood of Your Body
Lord, You were nailed on Cross by the soldiers

Lord, You suffered for us with great love
And made an example to follow Your steps
Lord, You were done nothing wrong
You were not spoken any kind of deceit

Lord, You were insulted
But, not retaliated with insults
When suffered, You made no threats
You trusted the upright Judge in Heaven

Lord, You were bearing our sins
In Your own Body on the Cross
So we might die to our sins
Through Your bruises, You have been healed us

Lord, You wiped away the record of our debt
You were destroyed it by nailing it to the Cross
Your pain and sorrow was our malicious sins
But You crushed everything on the Cross

Lord, You stripped the sovereignties
And principalities of the heavenly places
They are the masters of this world
And all the ruling forces of this world

All these evil were tempting You
You gathered all of them to be paraded in public
They all were behind You on the way to Cal
On that triumphal procession

Lord, let me boast only Your Cross
Through You the crucified I found salvation,
You poured out the Blood and Water
And filled us with Your Love and compassion.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jesus asked Peter, Do you love me? Poem 24

Poem  No 24

Jesus asked Peter, do you love me?
He is asking me and you, 'Do you love Me?'
With a grievous heart, Peter replied:
Yes Lord; You know that I love You

Peter denied Jesus three times
Jesus asked Peter three times, do you love Me?'
love always forgets, because God is Love.
Peter cried bitterly, when he realised His love

Lord, the love You have towards us
Makes us strong to defend our faith in You.
Your love towards me, taught me many things.
How can I thank You for Your love poured upon me?

Lord, Your love makes me cry before You.
The love towards You,
Made Abraham prepare a table for You
Yahweh, You were pleased by his hospitality.

You blessed Abraham with a son, Isaac.
But You tested him, for his love towards You.
He proved his love, and obeyed God's Word
And took his son Isaac to offer God, as a burnt offering.

Lord, the love towards You,
Made David a great composer of Psalms.
He never ceased to praise You and Honour You
He sang songs and danced in front of Your Ark of the Covenant

Elijah zealously loved You,
His love towards you, made him a great prophet
Lord, You gave Elijah a disciple called Elisha
obedient of both his master and God.

Because of Elijah's jealous love
Lord, you brought famine on Israel.
By the Word of The Lord, he shut up the heavens
He even raised the dead by the Word of the Most High

Lord, Your love towards Elisha
Made him learn the ways of God,
Lord you gave him the spirit of Elijah
When Elijah was taken to heaven in the Chariots of fire.

Lord, Your most beautiful love towards us is shown
When You gave Your only Son's life for us as a sacrifice.
It is hard to find anyone prepared to die for someone upright.
So it is a proof of God's own love for us, that Christ died for us sinners.

Lord, out of Your love towards us,
You gave us Your own flesh as our Eternal food
Your gave us Your own Blood as our Eternal Drink
By shedding Your Blood, your Heavenly Father made the Everlasting Covenant.

St Paul prayed, 'What I pray kneeling before the Father,
From whom every fatherhood, in heaven or on earth takes it's name
Lord, through Your Spirit, enable us to grow in power in our innermost-self
And let Christ, live in our hearts through faith.

Lord, let Your love planted in our heart and built on love grow
And let all God's holy people have the strength to grasp
The breadth and length, the height and the depth
So, that we may know the love of Christ is beyond our knowledge
That we may be filled with the utter fulness of God.
Glory be to Him whose power working in us can do more than our imagination
Glory be to Him, from generation to generation
In the Church and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen


Monday, June 9, 2014

Passion of Christ Poem 23

Poem 23

Lord, I betrayed you for thirty Shekels
That was the mere price we gave
Lord, I kissed You to sell You to the Jews
You asked me, "Do you betray me with a kiss?"

Lord, We put a crown on Your head of thorns
Lord, we pressed it harshly on Your head
The blood was oozing out over Your face
None was there to console you

Lord, We bound You on a pillar and scourged You
But, You never shed tears with pain
The flesh of Your body was torn apart
The bones can be seen through the holes in Your body

You were beaten and crushed for our sins
And You never opened your mouth
Now I trembled and feared as you suffered
Lord, I repent for my sins with flowing tears

Lord, We mocked You, by speaking evil words
But, You did not utter a word against us
Lord, We spat on Your face willingly
But, You gave a smile towards us

Ours were the sufferings You were bearing,
Ours were sorrows You were carrying,
But we thought of You, as someone being punished
And struck with affliction by God

The punishment reconciling us fell on You
And we have been healed by Your bruises,
We had all gone astray like sheep, each taking his own way,
The Father in Heaven poured out His wrath for our rebellion upon You

Like a lamb led to the slaughter-house,
Like a sheep dumb before its shearers
You never opened Your mouth.
Forcibly, after sentence, he was taken

We put the Cross on Your shoulder
You had no strength to carry the burden of the Cross
The heaviest burden of all was our sins, You were carrying
By falling and rising, You carried the Cross to Calvary

At last we pierced Your holy hands with cruel nails
The pain was so extreme and agonizing
Then we pierced your sacred feet with nails 
Lord, I could feel Your pain and it was horrible

Although, You had done no violence,
You spoke no deceit or complaint
It was Yahweh’s good pleasure to crush You with pain;
But You bear all suffering patiently

Lord, You carried our sickness and diseases
Lord, You offer Your Body as our Divine Food
And You offer Your  Blood for us as our Divine Drink
Lord, Your mercy lead us to eternity

While You were hanging on the Cross You saved the contrite criminal
He repented and asked You the favor to remember him
Lord, You offered him Paradise before he died on the cross
Oh, merciful Lord, remember me in Your Kingdom

From the Cross You told Your Mother "this is your son"
Then You told John "this is Your Mother"
Lord, give me Your Mother to embrace her
Bless me Lord, to accept her in my home

Lord, You cried out from the Cross
Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani
"My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"
Then You made a loud cry and took the last breath

We all were watching and wailing
The veil of the sanctuary was torn into two
The four other women, Your beloved near You
Watching and crying, carrying the pain in their heart

Which of Your contemporaries were concerned about this?
You have been cut off from the land of the living
You have been struck dead for Your people’s rebellion.
You were given a grave with the wicked

Lord we thank You and praise You for Your everlasting love
May we glorify You and bless till the end of our life.


Lord, You gave us many blessings Poem 22

Poem 22

Lord, You gave us many blessings
But, we never used them for Your glory and honor
You gave us many, many huge churches
But, ravens and scavengers use them as their dens.

Lord, You gave us many Priests to serve us
But we never respected them,
Instead we mocked them and all Your holy people
Then we lost You and all Your Kingdom.

Lord You invited us, to gather around Your Table
To share Your holy meal, which You transformed
On the Altar of Crucifixion, where You are the only Victim
To pour out Your love for me and for many.

Lord, You shed Your Most Holy Blood as our drink
And Your Body was torn apart and pierced by nails
To make it our Most Holy spiritual Food
Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us.

When we gather in front of Your Altar
Where Your Priests perform the sacrifice of Body and Blood
Lord, we are cleansed by Your Holy Water
To make us, Your sons and daughters.

Lord, do not take away Your glory from Your Altar
Lord, let us all keep the fear of You when we come to Your Temple
Lord, take away all our anger and hatred from our heart
Towards our brothers and sisters and even from our enemies.

The smoke of burned incense from the Altar was taken to Heaven with our prayer
The Heavenly Angels and Saints are in great joy and in fear
To watch the most Holy Sacrifice of Mass
Lord, with great reverence, we all kneel before Your Holy Altar.


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lord, Let me seek Your Word of Freedom Poem 21

Poem - 21

Part I

Lord, how can I thank you for the gifts you endowed to me
To know You and be with You is the greatest gift on earth
Lord, I thank You for everything You gave me
Lord, I thank You for choosing me from far ends of the earth

How can I keep my ways spotless? By keeping Your Word
Lord, You taught me to keep your Word in my heart
To avoid sinning against You the Holy One
I do not forget Your Words, to find delight in Your will.

Lord I have repeated Your judgments and found joy in Your instructions
Your Words are beyond all the wealth on earth
Let me ponder Your percepts and fix my gaze on Your paths
Lord, let me find delight in Your will and will not forget Your Words.

Lord, I lie prostrate in the dust and with Your Word revive me
Lord, avert my eyes from pointless images; by Your Word give me life.
Let me rely on Your Word and keep the promise to Your servant,
By Your faithful love come to save me, the malicious enemy

Lord, teach me Your holy ways to obey You
Lord, Show me the way of Your own precepts
Let me reflect on Your blessings and wonders,
Am melting away for grief; by Your truthful Word, raise me up.
Give me an answer to the taunts against me, since I rely on Your Holy Word.
Lord, let me live in all freedom because I have sought Your precepts.
Your commandments Lord, fills me with delight and love them dearly,
Your judgments are my song where am live in exile.

Lord, keep my eyes away from seeing the unworthy images of this world
Lord, let me keep Your percepts in my heart
May Your mercy and love consume me?
By Your saving justice give me life

Give me an answer to the taunts against me, since I rely on Your Word,
Do not take Your faithful Word away from me, since my hope lies in your judgements.
I have kept your age-old judgements in mind, Yahweh, and I am comforted.
All night, Yahweh, I hold Your name in mind, I keep Your Law.

You are generous and act generously, teach me Your will,
 It was good for me that to suffer, better to learn Your judgments.
The Law You have uttered is more precious to me than all the wealth in the world.
Lord, let those who fear You rejoice, since we put our hope in Your word.
Your faithful love is my consolation, as You have promised Your servant.
Lord, let me wear Your rob of salvation, because Your word is my hope.
Lord, Your Word is planted firm in Heaven and we praise Your constant love
We have seen that Your perfection is infinite, and Your commandment has no limit.

Lord, I shall never ashamed to proclaim Your truth in front of kings,
Your commandments; fills me with Your delight
I love Your precepts more than anything this world,
And I stretch out my hands and proclaim Your commandments which I love

Lord, You made me wiser than all my teachers because I ponder Your Word.
Let my foot restrain from evil paths to keep Your Holy Word.
Lord, from Your precepts l learn wisdom, so I hate all deceptive ways,
Your word is a lamp for my feet and light on my path.

I hurry without delay to keep Your commandments.
At midnight I rise to praise you for Your upright judgements.
Your faithful love fills the earth, Yahweh, teach me Your judgments.
All Your commandments show constancy, help me when they pursue me dishonestly.

All the night Lord, hold Your name in my mind and keep Your Law.
My only ambition, Lord, is to keep Your Word.
At midnight let me rise to praise You for Your upright judgments,
Your faithful love fills the earth, Yahweh, teach me Your judgments.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seek the Face of Yahweh our God Poem 20

Poem. 20

I seek the Face of Yahweh my God
Look at me Lord, with Your merciful eyes
Lord, bless thee, glorify thee, and adore thee,
In the day, in the night, and my entire life

I trust in You, my Lord, my God
I love You with all my heart,
Lord, I give You thanks, for Your mercy on me
Fill my heart with joy and tears of Your love

Lord, I am an unworthy servant of Your garden
Lord, let me produce the good fruits of Your eternity
As You said from the beginning of my creation
In the beginning before I conceived in my mother’s womb

Lord, You do not forget Israel, Your chosen race
Do not forget Jacob your beloved
Let Your Face shine on us and save us
Yes, Lord we shall be saved; when Your glory comes


Friday, May 16, 2014

A song of our pilgrimage to a New Jerusalem Poem 19

Poem -19

We are the children, of Israel O’ lord
We are in your Land, of your dwelling place.
Lord, you do not forget; Jacob your servant,
Blessed be the house of David, your servant.
Lord, teach us the way; how to serve you,
Pour your mercy on us and save us.
Make us understand your secrets and your covenant
And help us to share, your inheritance.

Lord, we can do nothing; with out you 
You are the King, of eternal glory.
Save your servant Jacob and his flocks,
Show them the way; you like to do.

Lord, lead us to the city, of New Jerusalem,
Where the angels and saints are praising you unceasingly
Let our mind and heart be fill with your joy
When we see your glory and might, face to face

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I love You, Lord, of my ancestors Poem 18

Poem - 18

I love You, Lord, of my ancestors
May I honor You O' Lord with all my strength
May I  sing a new song to honor You
Lord, I pay homage to You in this foreign land

Lord, how can I serve You
In the midst of an alien nation
I feel, I must keep quiet and say nothing
But how can I keep my mouth shut

My heart and my bones are burning
With the fire of your love
I may wound myself to show you my love
I will sing and praise Your Holy Name

O, Lord, the beauty of your House amazes me
The Holy Sanctuary where your Holy of Holies resides
Is most precious in my sight while I kneel before You
How beautiful your dwelling place

Lord, You looked at me from your Holy Tabernacle
Your Mercy and Love engulf me all the time
Lord, You lit the Candle of love in my heart
To burn away all my malice and weakness

Your House is the model of paradise
The angels and saints are gathered here
To worship you in Spirit and Truth
And to dwell with You is my eternal happiness.

The rampart of your House is beautiful
Day after day we come to worship You
In Your House we gather whole heartedly
May my musings be pleasing to You

Lord You made me, to know You.
Accepting Your Holy Word whole heartedly
Came not by my own goodness or power
But by Your Mercy Lord, You made a home in me.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lord, may be this might be my last day on earth Poem 17

Poem - 17

Lord, may be this might be my last day on earth!

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to worship You
But you still love me, and you love all without any difference
Lord, you gave me today Your Body and Blood to nourish me
Lord, this was Your promise to give me the eternal life

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to remember Your mercy
Your mercy engulf me with many blessings
But I am wretched and poor, look for unworthy worldly things
Lord, You gave me one more day on earth to glorify You

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to work for You
How I spent my worthy time with many things of this world
You told me "But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen
You are descendent  of Abraham my friend,

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to love You
'Whom I have taken to myself, from the remotest parts of the earth
And summoned from countries far away,
To whom I have said, ‘You are my servant, I have chosen you,
I have not rejected you,’ do not be afraid,
For I am with you; do not be alarmed, for I am your God
I give you strength and courage truly I help you,
Truly I hold you firm with my saving right hand.'

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to make music for You
Lord, let me sing a new song to you in the midst of Your holy people
May I sing the songs to bless Your Holy Name
You are most worthy and more awesome than any other gods
Look, all those who rage against you will be put to shame
Lord, you made many humiliated those who hurt me
Lord, pardon them, they do not know what they are doing.

Lord, may be this is my last day on earth to be an instrument for You
Lord said, "those quarrels with you will be reduced to nothing
You will look for them but will not find them,
Those who used to fight you will be destroyed and brought to nothing,
Those who made war on you will be perished
Lord, bless those who persecuted me on earth,
They are my benefactors to help me to climb the divine ladder.

Lord, may be this is my last day to honour You on earth
"For I, Lord, your God, I grasp you by your  right hand;
I tell you, ‘Do not be afraid, I shall help you."
Lord, You honour me by giving me the knowledge about You

Lord, may be this is my last day to glorify You on earth
Lord, still am not able to do, what You ask me to do
But am a useless servant, done no more than my duty
Lord, when can I leave this world; to reach in Your presence


The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...