Friday, September 13, 2024

The Light and Darkness


The Light and Darkness On 13th September 2024 

The Wisdom of Silence 

Speak Lord, Your servant is listening 

How we get wisdom is, to be with Jesus in silence and in humility. Br. Brilly said one of his talks that: In silence God speaks to us. God spoke to Samuel in the night of the silence. He called him in a gentle voice. If there is no silence we cannot see God and we never ever understand the Kingdom of God. We are living in a noisy world and should be very careful to lead a spiritual life’ God has selected Samuel from his solicitude stature in union with the Spirit of God. 1Sam 3: 10, Yahweh then came and stood by, calling as he had done before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Samuel answered, ‘Speak, Yahweh; for your servant is listening.’ God always looks into our hearts, considering our undivided and untroubled hearts. In today's world, there are plenty of distractions. The social media and Internet rule us and turn us into slaves of Satan, who has the authority to deceive us, leading us to darkness. God's wisdom and knowledge enable us to use media for evangelisation. Blessed Carlo Acutis used the Social Media and Internet to evangelise the world through his love towards Jesus in the Eucharist. Reading and reflecting on the Holy Scriptures is the most effective way by invoking the Holy Spirit's guidance. The Word of God is the true food for our souls, cherishing, enriching, and strengthening us to live holy lives that leads us to eternal life. Begin reading it with greater passion and devotion to Jesus Christ. While reading and hearing God's Word, pray, "Lord, help us build our faith." Rm 10: 17, But it is in that way faith comes, from hearing, and that means hearing the word of Christ. We may not fail to ask the help of our Mother, to help us meditate His Word,  and we all know and believe that she is the one received the Word of God in it’s full substance and she conceived God’s Word, our Lord Jesus Christ and she gave birth to Him. Lk 1: 38 let your Word fulfil in me. Moses was living a silent life unknowing to his own people the Israelites, when God called him from the burning bush. That is why our brothers often tell us to reflect on God's Word in silence. It is a magnificent experience to act in pure isolation and contemplation, in the true spirit of prayer, by focusing on God's Word in quiet. Br. Victor was chosen by God for this specific mission and as a Herald of Holy Scriptures, just as Jesus picked St. Paul. 

    We should be filled with repentance, humility, fidelity, and unwavering love for our Lord and all of us are His creation. Is 66: 2 NJB, But my eyes are drawn to the person of humbled and contrite spirit, who trembles at my word. We should work hard to get that silence, humility and faithfulness from Mother Mary and she is greatest example for us to get these greate virtues. The early church fathers are saying about her that in silence and emptiness she gained and the enormous wisdom of God. She served God in silence without looking for any reward. We should love others without any reward. These all qualities will be followed to sustain in us with sublime prayers to our God. 

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