Friday, August 23, 2024

The Word of God


Word of God, On 23rd August, 2024

Lord, let our thoughts and words give light to others 

  Sir 37: 16-18 Reason should be the basis for every activity, reflection must come before any undertaking. Thoughts are rooted in the heart, and this sends out four branches: good and evil, life and death, and mistress of them always is the tongue.Today, several thoughts were tormenting me in various ways, till a reflection occurred to me. However, the aforementioned Word of God provided the answer to my questions. Thoughts are always communicated with both good and evil intents; evil ways lead to sin. The Lord is speaking to us through His Spirit concerning this particular Word of God. Br Victor mentioned this verse during one of his talks. Br. Victor says, "The tongue is the sharpest weapon that can hurt people in their hearts and minds." The excellent words instill hope and life in people who hear them. The tongue used in bad ways will leave unhealing scars on those who hear it. Let us spread positive words and prevent the negative habits of thoughtless speech. Let us console others instead of hurting them. 

St Ignatius Loyola explains how the thoughts manipulate us: “It may be admitted as a principle that there arise in man three sorts of thoughts, of which one comes of itself, and the other two from the good and the evil spirit. A bad thought, which if consented to would become a mortal sin, may be an occasion of merit:

(1) When the thought, as soon as it presents itself, is resisted or banished;

(2) When the thought repelled, once or several times, returns soon afterward but is constantly resisted until vanquished: and this second victory is much more meritorious than the first.

Mortal sin is committed by thought, first, when the thought is consented to; and second, when the thought is acted upon, which is a more grievous sin:

(1) because it is entertained longer;

(2) because we give ourselves up to it more ardently:

(3) because we generally injure others by scandalizing them.”

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