Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Light and Darkness


Jesus said: “Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life.”

  Jesus fed the multitude by multiplying the loaves and fish. Then they approach again for this material food, and Jesus knows that these people are not looking for something spiritual, but rather for material things. John 6:27 (NJB): Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of man will give you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal. When Jesus began to talk about the eternal food, the Eucharist, which is the center of eternal life, they all disregarded him. Jesus said to them: ‘Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day.’(Jon. 6: 54) They all left, even most of his disciples except the apostles.  

(Jon. 6: 60, 65-66 NJB)  ‘After hearing it many of his followers said, this is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it? How can we hear and follow the truth by giving attention what Jesus is speaking to us. In the human way it is difficult to understand the mystery of the Eucharist, but those are loving Jesus will understand this heavenly mystery.  Jesus again told them. Jn 6: 65-66 NJB ‘He went on, ‘This is why I told you that no one could come to me except by the gift of the Father. After this, many of his disciples went away and accompanied him no more.’ Knowing the Kingdom of God is the Father's gift, and no one can see Him without His mercy and grace. After the Eucharistic talk, these disciples abandoned him and did not return. They never turned back to Jesus. Satan blinded their eyes and threw them into the darkness, instead of the true light, Jesus. We should come closer to Jesus and pray to him to strengthen our faith. 

  While in the Holy Land, we all traveled to the Synagogue of Capernaum, where Jesus revealed the Eucharist. When our priest, Fr Eugiene, read John Chapter 6, we were deeply moved and amazed by Jesus' revelation of salvation. We are so blessed because our Charism is built on studying and living in God's Word, as we hear the Scriptures read and taught by our Brothers each week. For the spiritual person, yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the same, with no difference even after two thousand years, and Jesus Christ is the same. ‘Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be forever.’ (Heb. 13: 8). He asked the apostles whether they wish to leave him: John 6:67–69 (NJB): Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’ 68 Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life, 69 and we believe; we have come to know that you are the Holy One of God.’  Then Peter was answered  that Jesus is the Son of God.  This is the faith that enables us to hold the same belief as St. Peter: that Jesus is the divine Son. In a speech, Br. Shaji questioned the audience, "Are we the apostles? We certainly possess the apostolic grace and are apostles. If we answer His call with faithfulness, then each of us is called into this apostolic grace. Give us the ability, Lord, to trust You completely until the end of our lives.  

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